メニュー メニュー


アパート, Urb. Playa chiquita, 5700, Urb. Playa chiquita, 57000

57000 Sosúa

Alluring Beach Condos

These newly constructed Condo/Apartments are located in a beautiful gated community, just a few minutes' walk from the beach. They offer 3 Bedrooms and 2 Bathrooms a d 2 Bedrooms units with modern finishes, a pool, and a jacuzzi, elevator, and other amenities. This new construction complex offers privacy and is designed to provide the highest living standards, with a functional, modern design, located in the exclusive area of Sosua, just a few minutes from shopping centers, such as the contemporary Super Pola, restaurants, pharmacies, a modern medical center, schools, social clubs, and gyms.

$225,000 (¥33,628,534)
100 m²


掲載番号 644349
新築 はい
販売価格 $225,000 (¥33,628,534)
部屋 3
寝室 3
バスルーム 2
トイレ 2
トイレ付きバスルーム 2
トイレなしのバスルーム 2
居住エリア 100 m²
他のスペースの面積 100 m²
居住スペースの説明 These newly constructed Condo/Apartments are located in a beautiful gated community, just a few minutes walk from the beach. They offer 3 Bedrooms and 2 Bathrooms a d 2 Bedrooms units with modern finishes, a pool, and a jacuzzi, elevator, and other amenities. This new construction complex offers privacy and is designed to provide the highest standards of living, with a functional, modern design. Located in the exclusive area of Sosua, just a few minutes from shopping centers, such as the modern Super Pola, restaurants, pharmacies, a modern medical center, schools, social clubs, and gyms. This is a great opportunity to own a vacation home, providing all the services and facilities required to live or vacation in the growing coastal city of Sosua.
その他スペースの説明 These newly constructed Condo/Apartments are located in a beautiful gated community, just a few minutes walk from the beach. They offer 3 Bedrooms and 2 Bathrooms a d 2 Bedrooms units with modern finishes, a pool, and a jacuzzi, elevator, and other amenities. This new construction complex offers privacy and is designed to provide the highest standards of living, with a functional, modern design. Located in the exclusive area of Sosua, just a few minutes from shopping centers, such as the modern Super Pola, restaurants, pharmacies, a modern medical center, schools, social clubs, and gyms. This is a great opportunity to own a vacation home, providing all the services and facilities required to live or vacation in the growing coastal city of Sosua.
エリアの説明 These newly constructed Condo/Apartments are located in a beautiful gated community, just a few minutes walk from the beach. They offer 3 Bedrooms and 2 Bathrooms a d 2 Bedrooms units with modern finishes, a pool, and a jacuzzi, elevator, and other amenities. This new construction complex offers privacy and is designed to provide the highest standards of living, with a functional, modern design. Located in the exclusive area of Sosua, just a few minutes from shopping centers, such as the modern Super Pola, restaurants, pharmacies, a modern medical center, schools, social clubs, and gyms. This is a great opportunity to own a vacation home, providing all the services and facilities required to live or vacation in the growing coastal city of Sosua.
測定確認済み いいえ
に基づく測定 定款
フロア 1
住宅階 1
状態 新しい
空き予定 2022/07/27
Alluring Beach Condos
駐車場 駐車ガレージ
特徴 冷房
景色 スイミングプール
収納 ウォークインクローゼット
電気通信 テレビ, デジタルテレビ, インターネット
床面 コンクリート
壁面 コンクリート
浴室の表面 コンクリート
台所用品 ガスコンロ, 冷蔵庫, 冷凍冷蔵庫, 電子レンジ, 洗濯機
バスルーム設備 シャワー, ジャグジー
ユーティリティルーム設備 洗濯機
記述 Alluring Beach Condos
追加情報 Alluring Beach Condos


建築年度 2022
落成式 2022
リフト いいえ
エネルギー証書のクラス A
建築材料 レンガ, コンクリート
ファサード素材 コンクリートの要素
共通エリア 水泳プール, 屋上テラス
地帯 平地
道路 はい
土地所有権 所有
計画状況 詳細計画
自治体のエンジニアリング 水道, 下水, 電気


ビーチ 0 Kilometers from the beach
ショッピングセンター 0 Kilometers from the Shopping Center
レストラン 0 Kilometers from Restaurant


バス 0 Kilometers from Bus






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