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Condominio, Ravi 13/2

10138 Kesklinn


THE APARTMENT HAS AN EXCLUSIVE TERRACE ON TWO LEVELS WITH A TOTAL AREA OF 63.7 m². The price of the apartment includes 2 parking spaces in the garage and a large storage room of 4.8 m² with the possibility of connecting an alarm. APARTMENT The heated area of the apartment is 66.7 m² + 3.7 m² balcony + 63.7 m² terrace + 4.8 storage room + 12.5 + 12.5 parking spaces. All the windows of the apartment and the terrace overlook a quiet but spacious courtyard, where you can’t hear street noise and there is a feeling of privacy. The apartment consists of: an entrance hall, a living room with kitchen, 2 bedrooms and a bathroom. All the rooms have large floor-to-ceiling windows, which let plenty of daylight in. The entire apartment has central underfloor heating, which can be adjusted separately in each room. The kitchen is equipped with all the necessary appliances: a ceramic hob, a brand-new oven and a practically new refrigerator, an extractor hood and a large dishwasher. In the hallway there is a large wardrobe with mirrored sliding doors. In one of the bedrooms there is also a spacious wardrobe with sliding doors. The walls of the apartment are freshly painted. HOUSE When designing the apartment house, special attention was paid to the design of the entrance halls and porches, which received a homely and cozy look. The children’s playground is located in the courtyard, which is completely fenced. The apartment house also has video surveillance. There is an intercom at the entrance from the street side, so that you can conveniently open the door to your guests. The apartment has very reasonable utility bills. The apartment is available at once, and I can arrange the viewing quickly.

Kristina Ringmäe

English Russian Estonian
Agente immobiliare
Habita Tallinn
Agente immobiliare Habita con licenza
Prezzo di vendita
342.000 €
Superficie abitabile
66.7 m²

Informazioni di base

Codice di riferimento 664156
Prezzo di vendita 342.000 €
Stanze 3
Camere 2
Bagni 1
Superficie abitabile 66.7 m²
Superficie totale 134.1 m²
Superficie degli altri spazi (es. soffitta) 67.4 m²
Descrizione degli altri spazi Huge terass
Descrizione della zona Kesklinn is one of the eight districts of the city of Tallinn. Tallinn's Old Town is located in the Kesklinn district.
Misure verificate
Misure basate su Progetto edilizio
Piano 1
Piani abitativi 4
Condizioni Buono
Parcheggio Garage, Parcheggio su strada
È situato al piano terra
Caratteristiche Sistema di sicurezza
Vista Cortile interno, Cortile privato
Depositi Guardaroba, Scantinato
Telecomunicazioni TV , Internet
Pavimentazioni Parquet
Superfici parietali Pittura
Superfici dei bagni Piastrelle in ceramica
Attrezzatura da cucina Forno, Piano cottura in ceramica, Frigorifero, Mobili, Cappa, Lavastoviglie
Arredi da bagno Vasca, Allaccio per lavatrice, Riscaldamento a pavimento, Doccetta igienica, Armadietto, Lavandino, Toilet seat, Specchio

Dettagli costruttivi e immobiliari

Anno di costruzione 2011
Inaugurazione 2011
Piani 4
Ascensore No
Sistema di ventilazione Areazione naturale
Attestazione di classe energetica C
Riscaldamento Riscaldamento dell'acqua centralizzato, Riscaldamento a pavimento
Materiali edili Calcestruzzo
Materiali delle facciate Rivestimento esterno in mattoni
Aree comuni Deposito, Deposito rifiuti, Garage
Terreno Pianura
Proprietà fondiaria Di proprietà
Situazione catastale Planimetria catastale dettagliata
Tecnica urbanistica Acqua, Fogna, Corrente elettrica, Teleriscaldamento

Attestazione di classe energetica



Manutenzione 200 € / mese (valuta)
Average monthly utility bill.

Costi d'acquisto

Notaio 600 € (Valuta)
Estimated notary fee per one Party
Imposta di trasferimento 400 € (Valuta)
Estimated transfer tax for the Buyer

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