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Lotto residenziale unifamiliare, Kaleju 76

2008 Jurmala, Melluži

Land close to the river and sea

Good land plot in Jurmala, beach city with a modern house project. It is possible to buy only the land with a project that can be changed or house can be built for you with qualified builders, total costs land with a ready house 475 000 eur. House can be ready by the end of 2025. Location is in a quiet and green area with pine trees, close to the river and walking distance to the sea. Fresh air, nature and green area.

Ligita Tetere

English Russian Latvian
Amministratore delegato
Habita Riga
Agente immobiliare Habita con licenza

Dati del lotto

Codice di riferimento 663071
Prezzo di vendita 99.000 €
Superficie del lotto 1915 m²
Terreno Pianura
Proprietà fondiaria Di proprietà
Situazione catastale Planimetria catastale


Altro 50 € / mese (valuta)

Costi d'acquisto

Notaio 200 € (Valuta)
Tasse di registro 1,5 %
Tasse di registro 23 €

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