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Rappresentante commerciale

Minna Yilmaz

English Finnish

+358 50 4200195

Habita Kuopio

Ajurinkatu 20
70110 Kuopio Pohjois-Suomen Habita Oy, Habita Kuopio
010 5855 551
Identificativo dell'azienda: 1774916-5

Minna Yilmaz

During my career spanning over 30 years, I have mainly worked in customer service and sales in various fields. That's why I have strong customer service and interaction skills and I'm easily approachable. I know how to listen with respect for your wishes and needs.

When you are looking for a new home or want to sell your apartment or house - Please contact me, because with this joyful and positive energy we will surely find the best possible solutions your life's apartment for changes.

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