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Grundstück, Korkeantie 264

95440 Tornio

Forest land and plots

A property called KORKEA, with 5 separate parcels around Tornio. Plot maps can be found in the pictures, there is also a forest evaluation of the forests. The parcel on the island is not included in the forest estimate. The estimated area of 10 ha is 91% regeneration age forest. There is over 9000m2 of land along the Korkeantie, which is why the address on the sale notice is Korkeantie. For more information, please contact us!

Jorma Salmela

English Finnish Swedish
Habita Tornio
Finnish real estate qualification, Notary, Habita lizenzierter Immobilienmakler, Unternehmer, LVV

Heikki Alasaukko-oja

English Finnish Swedish
Habita Tornio
Finnish real estate qualification


Listing Nummer 664272
Verkaufspreis 32.000 €
Grundstücksnummer 851-410-68-3
Fläche des Grundstücks 141350 m²
Gelände Flach
Gewässer Gewässernutzungsrecht
Verkehrsanbindung Ja
Grundstückseigentum In Eigenbesitz
Planungssituation Allgemeiner Plan
Zusätzliche Information Shared waters 851-410-876-1, waters of the Lower Space subdivision.


Keine Gebühren.


Transfer tax 3 %

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