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Grundstück, Airport "Riga"

1053 Lidosta Riga

Development land at Riga International Airport

The property is adjacent to the Riga International Airport – the largest air traffic centre in the Baltics. Land plot is located in the area with developed infrastructure - near the property there are located several office buildings, logistic complexes, Riga international Airport zone, including take – of territory. It has an access its main runway and new Rail Baltica connection road to Riga International Airport. It takes only 15 minutes to drive to the Riga city centre. Strategic location with development possibilities.

Ligita Tetere

Ligita Tetere

English Russian Latvian
Habita Riga
Habita lizenzierter Immobilienmakler


Listing Nummer 637898
Verkaufspreis 4.000.000 €
Fläche des Grundstücks 121300 m²
Gelände Flach
Verkehrsanbindung Ja
Grundstückseigentum In Eigenbesitz
Planungssituation Allgemeiner Plan
Infrastruktur der Gemeinde Wasserversorgung, Kanalisation, Elektrizität, Gas
Beschreibung Key location for your investment
Zusätzliche Information The facility is located in the southern part of the infrastructure complex of the Riga International Airport, close to the active direct runway and airport service and technical infrastructure. It is possible to agree with the Airport for access to the platform. The planned use is the airfield territory. It is allowed to build offices and warehouses, as well as logistics companies.


Sonstiges 1.000 € / jahr (voraussichtliche kosten)


Transfer tax 4 % (Einschätzung)
Notary 500 € (Einschätzung)
Registration fees 250 € (Einschätzung)

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