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Nhà gỗ (ở nông thôn), Koljosentie 2

95900 Kolari, Väylänpää

Magnificent heritage house from Tornio River

Now for sale an extensively restored and renovated heritage house on the banks of the Tornio River. This house has been kept like a flower in the palm of your hand and restored with respect for the old times. In the courtyard there is also a renovated atmospheric sauna building. The atmosphere of the house must be experienced on site. The house is sold furnished. For more information Henri Tuomi 0504200787

Henri Tuomi

English Finnish
Quản lý bán hàng
Habita Rovaniemi
Chứng chỉ bất động sản Phần Lan
Giá bán
122.500 € ( ₫)
Phòng ngủ
Phòng tắm
Diện tích sinh hoạt
129.8 m²

Thông tin cơ bản

Danh sách niêm yết 661929
Giá bán 122.500 € ( ₫)
Phòng 5
Phòng ngủ 4
Phòng tắm 0
Diện tích sinh hoạt 129.8 m²
Mô tả không gian sinh hoạt 4 bedrooms, living room, 2 hallways, kitchen.
Mô tả những không gian khác Basement
Mô tả diện tích The area is based on measurements performed by the seller; the actual area may differ significantly from the stated size. Additionally, the sauna/sauna room is 15.4 m², the shed/wood storage is 42 m², and the bio-toilet is 1.7 m². The areas are based on measurements performed by the seller.
Kết quả đo đạc đã xác minh Không
Kết quả đo đạc được dựa trên Thông tin được được chủ sở hữu cung cấp
Sàn 1
Sàn nhà 2
Tình trạng Tốt
Phòng trống Theo hợp đồng
Bãi đậu xe Sân bãi đậu xe
Nhà ở nghỉ dưỡng
Tính năng Cửa sổ kính hai lớp, Lò sưởi
Không gian Phòng ngủ
Phòng ngủ
Phòng ngủ
Phòng ngủ
Phòng khách
Phòng bếp
Phòng bí mật
Phòng bí mật
Các tầm nhìn Ngoại ô, Rừng, Thiên nhiên, Sông
Các kho chứa Tủ kéo, Nhà kho trên gác mái, Nhà kho ngoài trời
Các dịch vụ viễn thông Ăng ten
Các bề mặt sàn Gỗ
Các bề mặt tường Giấy dán tường
Các thiết bị nhà bếp Bếp điện, Tủ lạnh, Tủ đông, Tủ gỗ, Lò vi sóng
Kiểm tra amiăng Tòa nhà được xây dựng từ trước năm 1994 và chưa được kiểm tra amiăng.
Bổ sung thông tin Renovated sauna/storage building in the yard. Water from the water body enters the plot into the well, inside the carrier water.

Chi tiết về bất động sản và tòa nhà

Năm xây dựng 1945
Lễ khánh thành 1946
Số tầng 2
Thang máy Không
Loại mái nhà Mái chóp nhọn
Thông gió Thông gió tự nhiên
Loại chứng chỉ năng lượng Không có chứng chỉ năng lượng theo yêu cầu của pháp luật
Cấp nhiệt Cấp nhiệt bằng điện, Cấp nhiệt lò sưởi hoặc lò đốt, Bộ tỏa nhiệt
Vật liệu xây dựng Gỗ
Vật liệu mái Tấm kim loại
Các cải tạo Khác 2007 (Đã xong), CONSTRUCTION AND RESTORATION: Before the purchase, the foundation was examined with cameras to ensure there were no damages. The central heating system, which had been emptied about 20 years earlier, was removed, and the heating stove was carried out. The radiators of the central heating had already been removed. The large stove in the living room was also dismantled. The house had wallboards that were removed, and the window sills were inspected. The front door is original, restored, and painted. The house was painted red on the outside, and all glass and wall trims were painted white. Construction began with both external stairs, creating new ones using the old stairs as a model. The porch floor was sanded and the walls were paneled and painted. The window frames were cleaned, painted, glazed with new glass, and double-glazed units were installed as restored. A modern electrical cabinet was installed in the porch, with an underground cable run from the pole at the boundary, in accordance with the electricity company's regulations. Later, we built a protective cabinet above the electricity meter so that the meter would not be visible. The interior door was made from an old thick birch door, and the frames were renewed. All window frames in the house have been cleaned of old paint and primed, and the corner strips were renewed and glazed, as the old glass was thin and could not withstand removal. All glass was installed with window putty, as is done in old houses. The entrance hall was paneled and painted, and the wall was sanded and painted. The door leading to the living room had its frame replaced with a standard-width one. All doors in the house were painted, except for one upstairs. The floor was sanded and painted. The old cabinets in the kitchen were removed, and new ones were installed. The floor was sanded and painted. The walls and glass trims were renewed (the walls were paneled) and painted. The ceiling in the old cabinet area was repaired and painted. The wall behind the stove was renewed with special bricks. In all rooms, after the removal of the wallboards, breathable paper was installed, and on top of that, a 12 mm breathable Haldeksi panel was added. The floor of the river-facing bedroom was sanded and painted, and breathable paper was installed on the walls, followed by Haldeksi, and another Haldeksi that was pre-wallpapered came to the surface. The wall was covered, and a 25 mm wool board was placed between the wall and Haldeksi. The ceiling was painted. The courtyard-facing bedroom was done in the same way as the river-facing one, but the ceiling was not painted. The door between the bedrooms was removed and made into a wall. The upstairs stairs were sanded and painted, with sliding strips and a wall railing added to the front edges. The walls were paneled and painted. The upstairs hall was paneled and painted, and the floor was sanded and painted. The attic doors were made warm with an additional frame installed at the back and with 100 mm Tyroks. The wall was cleaned and painted. In the northern upstairs bedroom, the sleeping alcove was removed (it was low), and breathable paper as well as Haldeksi was applied on the walls, topped with wallpaper. The same work was done for the glass as in the downstairs. The doors were cleaned and painted, and a warm attic door was made. In the southern upstairs bedroom, the floor was sanded and painted, and the walls were treated similarly to the previous one. The wall was leveled, sanded, and painted. The glass was restored and painted. The ceiling was cleaned.
Khác 2007 (Đã xong), The ceiling of the living room was cleaned, the floor sanded and painted, and the wallboards were removed. Breathable paper and Haldeksi were installed, and wallpapered Haldeksi was placed on top. All corners of the rooms throughout the house were finished with trim. The glass received the same treatment as in other places, with new corner and metal trims. The glass was secured with putty as in other locations. A large heat-retaining fireplace from Tiili was purchased, which could only be built by the mason presented by Tiili. The masonry was plastered and painted. The fire inspector checked the chimney before the masonry work, and the upper part of the chimney was rebuilt. The visible part of the chimney on the roof was covered with metal flashing. A drainage ditch for rainwater from the roof has been made into the ground, directing water to the sloping embankment. In homes of this age, there shouldn't be external drainage ditches, so it was made underground and covered with 35 mm gravel. The roof of the small northern porch was renewed with tile roofing. The access was closed off all the way inside. The ventilation holes in the foundation were fitted with a dense mesh and a sparse mesh on top to prevent even the smallest animals from getting inside. The foundation was plastered and painted in 2010. Old wooden parts were removed from the cellar, and the floor was left as earth. It is not in use. The ceiling of the cellar was renewed, and the insulation above was checked and repaired. The sauna and changing room were made in an old granary, both equipped with electric heating. A heat-insulating door was installed behind the old sauna door, which is not visible from the outside. Small panes of glass were installed on both sides of the outer door. A larger pane was installed in the north wall of the changing room to bring light into the room. The sauna room walls were insulated for warmth and paneled. The ceiling was paneled, leaving the roof beams exposed. The floor was made warm with special Haldeksi, tar papers, and floorboards. The sauna area was raised by cutting the granary roof and elevating it to the required height. A wall was built between the sauna and changing room with standard sauna-related paper, insulation, and paneling. The sauna was painted dark. The floor was made into a raised floor. A glass was installed in the sauna. A wastewater drain was excavated below the frost line, and a legally permitted perforated plastic tank was installed underground. Stones were placed around it and covered. The benches were made from aspen wood and painted with sauna oil. A Harvia wood-burning sauna stove and chimney were installed. All the roof trims and floor trims in the house and outbuilding were made from ready-made white painted material. The lower trim in the living room was made from several pieces to conceal the electrical wires under the trim. The electrical work was done by Sieppijärven Sähkö Oy. In the storage building, there is a large barn that serves as a wood storage and tool storage. It has been painted red. A warm water well has been constructed, fed by spring water, providing good pressure.
Số tham chiếu bất động sản 273-403-22-91
Thuế bất động sản mỗi năm 263,49 €
7.070.507,22 ₫
Quyền xây dựng The right of way is both entitled and burdened.
Diện tích lô đất. 9020 m²
Số lượng chỗ đậu xe. 3
Số lượng tòa nhà. 2
Địa hình. Bằng phẳng
Quyền sở hữu đất. Chính chủ.
Tình hình quy hoạch. Sơ đồ chi tiết
For more information, contact the Municipality of Kolari at +358 400 891 773.
Quyền xây dựng. 300 m²
Agricultural economic centers area. The area is located outside the waterfront zone. The building rights of the area have not been examined in the master plan. Residential, production, and economic buildings related to agriculture, forestry, and their anc
Kỹ thuật đô thị. Nước, Điện


Điện %con số% %tiền tệ% / %chu kỳ thanh toán% (%con số_quy đổi% %quy đổi tiền tệ% (ước tính)
Electricity consumption in 2023 was 20,045 kWh/year; the monetary consumption is not available. The monetary estimate is calculated based on an electricity price of 10 cents per kWh plus 5 cents for transmission.
Nước %con số% %tiền tệ% / %chu kỳ thanh toán% (%con số_quy đổi% %quy đổi tiền tệ%
Annual fee for the water association

Chi phí mua

Thuế chuyển nhượng 3 %
The buyer is responsible for the transfer tax.
Công chứng viên 128 € (3.434.760 ₫)
The seller and the buyer share the notary's fee equally.
Phí đăng ký 161 € (4.320.284 ₫)
The buyer is responsible for the costs of the title registration.

Tiến trình mua tài sản của bạn bắt đầu từ đây

  1. Điền vào mẫu đơn ngắn và chúng tôi sẽ sắp xếp một cuộc hẹn
  2. Đại diện của chúng tôi sẽ liên hệ ngay để sắp xếp cuộc hẹn.

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