Menyu Menyu
Funga , karibu

Tafutabkwa kutumia namba ya rufaa

Bloki ya gorofa, Rigaer Straße 58

10247 Berlin

Tafadhali wasiliana na mwakilishi wa mauzo kwa maelezo zaidi juu ya mali hii.

Bei ya kuuza
€ 649,000 (TSh 1,811,933,426)
Vyumba vya kulala
Mahali pa kuishi
104.7 m²

Maelezo ya kimsingi

Namba ya kuorodhesha 662524
Bei ya kuuza € 649,000 (TSh 1,811,933,426)
Vyumba 4
Vyumba vya kulala 1
Bafu 1
Vyoo 1
Bafu pamoja na choo 1
Mahali pa kuishi 104.7 m²
Maeneo kwa jumla 108 m²
Eneo ya nafasi zingine 3.4 m²
Maelezo ya nafadi za kukaa Built in 1908, the residential and commercial building at Rigaer Strasse 58 consists of 42 residential units and one commercial unit. The property impresses with typical old building charm such as stucco elements, floorboards and high ceilings on all floors. This apartment in an old building in a trendy district is and will remain Berlin's dream home par excellence, making it a future-proof investment.
Maelezo ya eneo Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg is not only a stronghold of the alternative lifestyle, but also one of the largest investor projects in Berlin with the Mediaspree project. Numerous communications and media companies have settled on the banks of the Spree in chic loft offices and with them a large number of employees and partners, making the neighbourhood increasingly cosmopolitan. The East Side Gallery, which was painted by various artists in spring 1990 after the opening of the Berlin Wall, is located in the middle of the Mediaspree project. The monument is a permanent open-air gallery on the longest remaining section of the Berlin Wall and is not only a magnet for tourists, but also a popular place for Berliners and Friedrichshainers to go for a morning jog or an evening sundowner.
Vipimo vimehalalishwa Hapana
Vipimo vimepimwa na Nakala ya chama
Sakafu 0
Sakafu za makazi 1
Hali Mpya
Iko katika levo ya chini Ndio
Imeuzwa kama kukodisha Ndio

Maelezo ya ujenzi na mali

Mwaka wa ujenzi 2022
Uzinduzi 2022
Sakafu 5
Lifti Hapana
Aina ya paa Paa la gable
Darasa la cheti cha nishati D
Urahisi Die Rigaer Straße gehört zum charmant ehrlichen Samariterkiez im Berliner Bezirk Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, einem urbanen Schmelztiegel, der sich durch eine bunte Mischung aus Alteingesessenen, Zugezogenen, Durchreisenden, Alternativen und Hipstern auszeichnet. Leben und leben lassen ist hier das Motto, was den Kiez so authentisch und lebenswert macht. Die Kiezbewohner schätzen genau diese Diversität, in dem Toleranz und Respekt anderen Lebensweisen gegenüber groß geschrieben wird. Dem tragen wir Rechnung, indem wir unsere Außenfassade von lokalen Graffitikünstlern gestalten lassen.
Eneo la ardhi Flati
Barabara Ndio
Umiliki wa ardhi Miliki
Hali ya kupanga Hamna mpango

Darasa la cheti cha nishati



Mbuga 1.1 km , Stadtpark Lichtenberg

Upatikanaji wa usafiri wa umma

mfumo wa reli ya chini ya ardhi 0.5 km , U-Bhf Samariterstr.
Treni 0.3 km , U-Bhf Frankfurter Allee


Matengenezo 1,089.27 € / mwezi (3,041,116.68 TSh)

Gharama za ununuzi

Ushuru ya kuhamisha 6 %
Ada ya usajili 0.5 %
Mthibitishaji 1.5 %
Ada ya usajili 0.2 %

Hivi ndivyo ununuzi wa mali yako huanza

  1. Jaza fomu fupi na tutapanga mkutano
  2. Mwakilishi wetu atawasiliana nawe bila kuchelewa na kupanga mkutano.

Je! Ungependa kujua zaidi juu ya mali hii?

Kosa limetokea wakati wa kujaribu kutuma ombi la mawasiliano. Tafadhali jaribu tena.


Asante kwa ombi lako la kuwasiliana. Tutawasiliana nawe mara moja!