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Jordbruk, Saaremaa, Ranna, Türja küla

94317 Turja

Plot with access to the sea!

This is a paradise for nature enthusiasts, ideal for birdwatching, hunting, fishing, mushroom foraging, and berry picking. Saaremaa offers a diverse environment for both living and vacationing, filled with interesting activities. For more information, visit: Property registry details:

Uppgifter på tomten

Objekt nummer 661296
Försäljningspris 39 000 € (434 732 kr)
Fastighetsbeteckning 85801:005:0276
Terräng Jämn
Vattenområde Egen strand
Väg Ja
Tomtens ägandeförhållande Egen
Planeringssituation Allmän plan
Kommunalteknik Vatten, El
Tillägsuppgifter Sell your property quickly and efficiently with Habita Tallinn, your international real estate agency. Our team consists of professionals with 15+ years of experience in real estate, and we list properties on both the local and global market. This guarantees maximum exposure and visibility for your property, increases the number of potential buyers and the chances of a faster transaction. Reach out to me today to learn more about the opportunities we offer at Habita Tallinn!


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Kostnader för köp

Notar 300 € (3 344 kr) (Uppskattad)

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