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Fritidstomt, Soi Trongmong 5, Sakhu, Thalang District

83110 Phuket, Thalang

Live in luxury: premium villas now available!

Are you looking for a luxurious tropical getaway with stunning beaches and world-class amenities? Look no further than our beautiful villas in Phuket. Each villa blends luxury and comfort for the ultimate island lifestyle, and our location just a stone's throw away from the most beautiful beaches in Phuket makes it the perfect place to unwind and escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Our villas are the ultimate investment opportunity, offering a chance to own a slice of paradise and live the dream life in one of the world's most beautiful locations. We have 2-3 and 4 bedroom options.

Uppgifter på tomten

Objekt nummer 649890
Försäljningspris 15 800 000 THB (5 014 541 kr)
Fastighetsbeteckning V21
Tomtens areal 292.3 m²
Antal parkeringsplatser 1
Terräng Kuperande
Väg Ja
Tomtens ägandeförhållande Egen
Planeringssituation Allmän plan
Byggnadsrätt 180 m²
Kommunalteknik Vatten, Avlopp, El


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