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Tomt, Peninsular Highway


6416.4 sqft Lot with Unfinished House for Sale

This 6416.4 sqft flat lot with a newly built unfinished 3 self-contained bedrooms villa situated at a strategic residential area in Sussex, a 50 seconds walk off the newly constructed Peninsular Highway is looking for it's new owner. This property is just a minute work to the beach and it has inviting views with the accessibility of electricity and exceptionally closed to all services.

Alpha Vandi

Verkställande direktör
Habita Freetown
Habita Licensierad fastighetsförmedlare

Uppgifter på tomten

Objekt nummer 647265
Försäljningspris 40 000 US$ (402 533 kr)
Blir ledig från Enligt överenskommelse
Tomtens areal 596.1 m²
Antal parkeringsplatser 5
Antal byggnader 1
Terräng Jämn
Vattenområde Strandrätt
Väg Ja
Tomtens ägandeförhållande Egen
Planeringssituation Allmän plan
Sussex where this property sits has a friendly topography, peaceful residential area that views the Atlantic Ocean with a nice beach.
Byggnadsrätt 596.1 m²
The municipality building permits available for development of the property.
Kommunalteknik Vatten, El
Water, Electricity and Access to property.
Beskrivning Lot with Unfinished House for Sale


Restaurang 1 km , Oceanview Country Club & Resort SL
Lekplats 0.6 km , Bet Kids Entertainment
Skola 0.3 km , Private School
Universitet 10.1 km , Milton Margai Technical University - Goderich Campus
Strand 0.2 km , A walk to the beach.


Flygplats 33.8 km , Lungi International Airport
Färja 11.3 km , Pelican Water Taxi


Fastighetsskatt 15 $ / år (150,95 kr) (uppskattad)
Payment of yearly City Rate

Kostnader för köp

Notar 2 %
This is the lawyer's fee to handle legal works.

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