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Otsing viitenumbri järgi

Kortermaja, Almadies

10 200 Almadies

Luxurious 3 bedroom apartment in Les Almadies

Discover the modern comfort of our luxurious 2-bedroom apartments, designed to meet the needs of an active urban life. With 2 spacious bedrooms and a bright living room, these apartments offer an elegant and functional living space. • Two spacious and comfortable bedrooms • A bright and friendly stay • A modern and equipped bathroom


Vaata arendusprojekti üksikasju

Benjamin Faye

English French
Habita Dakar
Habita litsentseeritud kinnisvaramaakler
355 600 000 F CFA (541 934 €)
268 m²

Peamised andmed

Objekti ID number 655759
Uusehitis Ja (Ehitusjärgus)
Müügihind 355 600 000 F CFA (541 934 €)
Toad 4
Magamistoad 3
Vannitoad 3
Tualettruumid 2
Vannitoad koos wc-ga 2
Elamispind 268 m²
Eluruumide kirjeldus 1- Stay1- Hall/Clearance 2- Visitors W.C 3- Stay 4- Living room terrace 5- Kitchen 6- Laundry room 7- Kitchen terrace 8- Domestic room 9- Domestic toilet 10 - Visitor toilet 11 - Master bedroom 12 - Dressing room 13 - Master bedroom terrace 14 - Clearance 15 - Bedroom 2 16 - Bathroom bedroom 2 17 - Bedroom 3 18 - Bathroom bedroom 3 19 - Terrace bedroom 2 and 3 2- Modern kitchen 3- Living room terrace 4- Kitchen 5- Kitchen terrace 6- Domestic toilet 7- Clearance 8 - Visitor W.C 9- Bedroom 2 10 - Bathroom bedroom 2 11 - Master bedroom 12 - Dressing room 13 - Bathroom
Teiste ruumide kirjeldus The leisure area of ​​the AMS residence is an ideal place to relax, have fun and take care of yourself. • A panoramic swimming pool to cool off and relax The panoramic swimming pool offers breathtaking views of the city. It is the ideal place to cool off in summer or to relax after a long day. • A state-of-the-art gym to stay in shape The gym is equipped with the latest fitness machines and equipment. You can take your courses there favorites or train independently. • A friendly bar for socializing The bar is a friendly place where you can relax with your friends or family. You will find a wide selection of drinks and snacks. An ideal setting for living a fulfilling urban life The leisure area of ​​the AMS residence is designed to offer you a complete experience. You can relax, entertain yourself and take care of yourself, while living a fulfilling urban life.
Piirkonna kirjeldus Les Almadies is a residential district located in the far west from the Cape Verde peninsula to Dakar, the capital of Senegal. It is known for its chic and sophisticated ambiance, its beautiful luxury homes and infrastructure. The district is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west, the cor - Cape Verde niche to the north, the Ngor road to the south and the airport road to the east. Les Almadies is a neighborhood popular with expatriates, dips - lomates and businessmen. There are many villas, luxury apartments, hotels, restaurants, bars and boutiques - ticks. It is renowned for its leisure infrastructure, with its beach, its swimming pool, golf course and tennis club. Enjoy life in an environment that combines sophistica - tion and convenience, where every day is an opportunity to discover the best of Dakar
Mõõdetud Ei
Pindala info põhineb Projekt
Korrus 1
Korruste arv 1
Seisukord Uus
Parkimine Garaaž
Omadused Konditsioneer
Vaated Ümbruskond, Tänav, Merevaade
Panipaigad Kapp, Garderoob, Panipaik/panipaigad
Telekommunikatsiooni ühendused TV , Internet
Põrandakatte materjal Plaat, Marmor
Seinakattematerjalid Betoon, Värvitud
Vannitoa materjalid Plaat, Marmor, Puitpaneel, Betoon
Köögiseadmed Lauapliit, Kapid , Õhupuhasti, Mikrolaineahi
Vannitoa sisustus Dušš, Vann, Mullivann, Dušš, Kapp, Kraanikauss, Duššisein, WC-pott, Kuumavee boiler, Peegel, Peegelkapp , Duššikabiin
Kirjeldus 3 Bedrooms - Bathroom - Dressing room - Living room - Modern kitchen - Living room terrace - Hallway - SAS Visitor W.C - Visitor W.C

Kinnistu ja ehitise andmed

Ehituse algusaasta 2023
Ehitusaasta 2025
Esmane kasutuselevõtu aasta 2025
Korruseid 12
Lift Ja
Katuse liik Lamekatus
Ventilatsioon Loomulik ventilatsioon
Vundament Betoon
Energiamärgis Energiamärgis puudub
Ehitusmaterjalid Puit, Tellis, Betoon
Katusematerjalid Eterniit
Fassaadimaterjal Betoon, Betoonelement
Üldkasutatavad ruumid Prügikonteinerite hoidla, Jõusaal, Bassein, Garaaž, Siseparkla
Ehitiste arv 1
Reljeef Tasane
Veekogu Veekogu kasutamise õigus
Tee Ja
Maaomand Oma
Planeerimise olukord Detailplaneering
Omavalitsuse tehnovõrk Vesi, Kanalisatsioon, Elekter


Ostukeskus 0.5 km  
Restoran 0.2 km  
Toidupood 1 km  
Lasteaed 0.5 km  
Haigla 1 km  
Rand 0.5 km  
Golf 1 km  


Buss 0.2 km  
Lennuväli 30 km  
Rong 6.5 km  


Hooldus 300 000 CFA / aasta (457,2 €) (hinnang )

Ostumüügilepingu sõlmimise lisakulud

Notar 10 % (Hinnanguline)
Vahendustasu 1,5 %

Nii algab teie kinnisvara ostmine

  1. Täitke lühivorm ja lepime kokku kohtumise
  2. Meie esindaja võtab teiega viivitamatult ühendust ja lepib kokku kohtumise.

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