Lääne-Harju vald, Padise küla, Oti-Üraksi
76001 Padise küla
A commercial industrial building with a total area of 1,022 m² is available for rent. Of this, approximately 887 m² is occupied by the first floor, while the remaining 135 m² include shared facilities such as offices, a kitchen, a shower, and a restroom. The building offers convenient access points from both the front and rear, facilitating easy loading and unloading of goods. Heating is provided via wood, ensuring low heating costs. The property is equipped with electricity featuring a main fuse capacity of 600 A, as well as water and sewage systems. The access road is partially asphalted. The total area of the adjoining land plot is 13,351 m². The preferential rent of €1750 plus taxes applies for the first 6 months of the lease.
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Grunnleggende opplysninger
Oppføringsnummer | 663618 |
Leiegebyr | 1 750 € / måned (20 488 kr) |
Kontraktsperiode | Ubestemt |
Typer | Lager, Produksjonsanlegg, Arbeidsrom |
Etasje | 1 |
Etasjer med næringsarealer | 1 |
Sum areal | 1022 m² |
Målene er verifisert | Nei |
Grunnlag for arealberegning | Matrikkelbrev |
Tilstand | Tilstand |
Egenskaper | Sterkstrøm, Høye dører, Innlagt vann i rommene, Innendørs lastesone |
Restriksjoner | Egner seg ikke som restaurant, Egner seg ikke som bilvask |
Tilleggsinformasjon | Sell your property quickly and efficiently with Habita Tallinn, your international real estate agency. Our team consists of professionals with 15+ years of experience in real estate, and we list properties on both the local and global market. This guarantees maximum exposure and visibility for your property, increases the number of potential buyers and the chances of a faster transaction. Reach out to me today to learn more about the opportunities we offer at Habita Tallinn and what makes us stand out from other real estate agencies. |
Bygnings- og eiendomsopplysninger
Byggeår | 1971 |
Innvielse | 1971 |
Etasjer | 1 |
Heis | Nei |
Energimerking | Energisertifikat kreves ikke ifølge loven |
Oppvarming | Ved- og pelletovn |
Byggematerialer | Teglstein |
Fasadematerialer | Tre |
Eiendomsnummer | 56202:002:0355 |
Terreng | Flatt |
Vei | Ja |
Grunneierskap | Selveid |
Planleggingssituasjon | Generell plan |
Kommunal | Vann, Kloakk, Elektrisitet |