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Kittiläntie 4810

97310 Patokoski

Riverbank property for tourism use

An amazing opportunity awaits a developer by the banks of the Ounasjoki River. The old school building has already been partially renovated; here you can remodel it into hotel and restaurant services, and plans are already prepared for your use if desired. According to preliminary discussions, the riverside property can accommodate 1,000 m² of lodging capacity, and with a zoning change application, even more can be added. The package also includes a row house on a rented plot next to the school, consisting of three buildings. Henri Tuomi 0504200787

Henri Tuomi

English Finnish
Pardavimo vadybininkas
Habita Rovaniemi
Suomijos nekilnojamojo turto kvalifikacija

Pagrindinė informacija

Sąrašo numeris 661943
Pardavimo kaina 440 000 €
Tipai Restoranas, Apgyvendinimas
Aukštas 1
Komercinės paskirties nuosavybės aukštai 3
Bendras plotas 1234 m²
Matavimai patvirtinti Ne
Matavimai pagrįsti Savininko pateikta informacija
Būklė Reikia renovacijos
Atsilaisvina nuo Pagal sutartį
Savybės Galios srovė, Vandentiekio vanduo kambariuose, Pakrovimo zona palei šaligatvį
Apklausa dėl asbesto Pastatas pastatytas iki 1994 m., o apklausa dėl asbesto neatlikta.
Papildoma informacija You can find more detailed information about the leasehold at Habita's website at:

Pastato ir nuosavybės informacija

Statybų metai 1949
Atidarymas 1949
Aukštai 3
Liftas Ne
Stogo tipas Dvišlaitis stogas
Ventiliacija Natūrali ventiliacija
Energijos sertifikato klasė Energijos sertifikatas nereikalingas pagal įstatymą
Šildymas Centrinis vandens šildymas, Šildymas mediena ir granulėmis, Radiatorius
Pastato medžiagos Betonas
Stogo medžiagos Metalo lakštai
Renovacijos Kita 2018 (Atlikta), NS. 'OWNER’S FLAT' 2nd floor - two apartments combined into approximately 120 m² - walls have been prepared and leveled - electrical wiring has been renewed - built 2 x WC + shower area.
Kiemas 2018 (Atlikta), RIVER PARK - A 5,000 m² park area cleared to the south side of the school by the banks of the Ounasjoki - grass planting.
Kita 2018 (Atlikta), RENOVATIONS 1st floor / WC + BR - room layout changed - new WC facilities + shower, tiling - bedroom modification, parquet flooring, electrical work.
Kita 2018 (Atlikta), RENOVATIONS 1st floor / MAINTENANCE ROOM - converted former wardrobe into a maintenance room - provisions for a washing machine and water point - tiling.
Kita 2018 (Atlikta), RENOVATED ROOM 1st floor - room layout changed - WC moved to the other side
Vamzdžiai 2018 (Atlikta), PIPE RENOVATIONS - Old HVAC lines removed at both ends of the school - replaced with renovated hot and cold water lines according to current standards + sewer updated to current standards - during the pipe renovation, floor structures and fiber-reinforced concrete floors have been renewed.
Bendrosios zonos 2016 (Atlikta), LOBBY 1st floor - ceiling structure of the lobby is ready for finishing - new electrical supplies, chases in the walls.
Kiemas 2012 (Atlikta)
Telekomunikacijos 2012 (Atlikta), FIBER NETWORK CONNECTION - the so-called broadband has been installed - readiness for the installation of the internal network.
Šildymas 2006 (Atlikta), The so-called wooden ceiling was converted into a pellet boiler with a pellet burner rated at 140 kW - the oil tank was removed and replaced with a pellet silo - new oil tanks (2 units) were placed in the silo area (backup heating) - construction of necessary walls for the space - furnishing the so-called caretaker's room.
Kita 2006 (Atlikta)
Langai 2000 (Atlikta), The windows in the school have been renewed (Fenestra thermal windows) before 2005.
Nuosavybės nuorodos numeris 698-408-10-16, 698-408-10-44,698-408-10-4
Nuosavybės suvaržymai 604 600 €
4 units of electrical connections will be transferred to the buyer free of debt. The buyer is responsible for the transfer costs.
Sklypo plotas 54000 m²
Pastatų skaičius 5
Teritorija Lygus
Vandens zona Nuosava pakrantė / paplūdimys
Pakrantė 295 m
Kelias Taip
Žemės nuosavybė Nuosava
Planavimo situacija Detalus planas
Savivaldybės inžineriniai tinklai Vanduo, Kanalizacija, Elektra


Šildymas 7 000 € / metai
Estimated annual consumption. The entire building is kept at 13-15 degrees Celsius, and approximately 300 m² is used for residential purposes at 21-22 degrees Celsius.
Nuosavybės mokestis 500 € / metai
Confirmed property tax for the year 2023 for properties 698-408-10-16 and 698-408-10-44. No information available regarding the property tax for property 698-408-10-4.

Pirkimo išlaidos

Perdavimo mokestis 3 %
The buyer is responsible for the transfer tax after the transactions
Notaras 128 €
The buyer and seller will share the notary's fee equally.
Registracijos mokesčiai 644 €
The buyer is responsible for the costs of the title registration.

Taip prasideda jūsų nekilnojamojo turto pirkimas

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