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Mobile biological treatment plant

§ Certified, with patents in Latvia and documentation issued by the International Patent Board and European Certification Institutions are offered. Mechanical treatment with various types of mechanical filters and specially created technology capable of separating various types of production wastewater from fats, oils, solids, heat treatment burns, phenol and other chemical impurities. A laboratory analysis certified by the Lithuanian company “Klaipėdos vanduo” has been carried out, as a result of which a certificate has been obtained.

Ligita Tetere

Ligita Tetere

English Russian Latvian
Administrerende direktør
Habita Riga
Habita lisensiert eiendomsmegler
Oppføringsnummer 648587
Type Selskap
Andre bransjer
Sted Riga
Salgspris 3 000 000 € (kr 35 144 829)
Antall personell 0–5
Mulighet for flytting Ja

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