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Aitio Business Park Verdi

Verdi is one of two office buildings at Aitio Business Park, located on Mannerheimintie, just 15 minutes from the centre of Helsinki. The premises are located in the Ruskeasuo district at the crossroads of the motorway to Tampere. In addition to Verdi, which was completed in 2016, Aitio Business Park is the home of the Vivaldi building, which was completed three years before its successor. The buildings are easily accessible by both public transport and your own car. In addition to a car park with up to 200 parking spaces, commuters traveling by bicycle have their own dressing and shower rooms. The Central Park of Helsinki is located right next to Aitio Business Park.

Số tham chiếu dự án 401
Vị trí Mannerheimintie 113, 00280 Helsinki, Ruskeasuo

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