Menyja Menyja

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The residence takes its name from the nocturnal crash of the waves on the rocks of the Virage, which asserts itself as the sound of the day fades. The sea view is obtained thanks to the altimetry of the natural terrain at + 15 m and a height of 29 meters. The reception hall as well as the two main facades, constitute a set crucial in defining the standing of a building. In addition to the overflowing waterfall that ends its flow into an aquarium on the integrated floor, the building has a reception room to welcome without infringing its privacy. To this, the Architect has added two elevators to facilitate the mobility of passengers. At Ocean Waves, the design is by Lazzaro, one of the most Gifted of his generation.

Projekti ref. 849
Vendndodhja Virage, 12 000 Yoff

Benjamin Faye

English French
Drejtor menaxhues
Habita Dakar
Agjent i Pronave të patunshme, i liçensuar nga Habita

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