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Tillinmäentie 1

Tillinmäentie 1 is a versatile property in the Kiviruukki work area in Espoo, in the immediate vicinity of Länsiväylä. Production facilities and offices are available in two adjoining buildings, so here is the opportunity to rent a complete set of business premises! The clean, warm production facilities are run-in and 4.5 meters high from the lowest point. The premises have a sand separation well and a private kitchen. The lift door from the street level to the room is 4 m high. There is a spacious, paved courtyard area around the building. Affordable small office spaces of various sizes (66 m² to 132 m²) are available for organizations of about 5-10 people. The offices are neat and bright open plan offices, and each has its own small kitchen. The premises are rented flexibly and can be modified according to the needs of the tenants, eg with light structures. Some rooms have general air cooling. Tillinmäentie 1 is located in Kiviruukki, Espoo, in the immediate vicinity of Länsiväylä. The property also has a quick connection to Kehä III. There are plenty of parking spaces in the yard.

Projekti ref. 374
Vendndodhja Tillinmäentie 1, 02330 Espoo, Kivenlahti

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