Menyja Menyja

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The DJIGNLAR residence is a modern real estate project located in Mermoz Sotrac, one of the most popular residential areas. The building thus constructed is already in the future, it is projected beyond the next 30 years. The building is built on 12 floors with 2 apartments per level. In this residence we have the following amenities: parking spaces, a reception with a security service, a daycare, a swimming pool and a gym. The facilities provided in this building are: a building water treatment system, an emergency generator, security lighting, an evacuation plan, thermal solar panels for lighting common areas and producing hot water, access control, an intercom and a videophone, a roof lifeline (building cleaning), an access ladder. In each apartment there are facilities: equipped kitchen, equipped bathroom, A2P Certified Vachette Lock.

Projekti ref. 1034
Vendndodhja Mermoz Sotrac, 10700 Fann Résidence, Mermoz

Benjamin Faye

English French
Drejtor menaxhues
Habita Dakar
Agjent i Pronave të patunshme, i liçensuar nga Habita

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