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Aitio Business Park – Vivaldi

Vivaldi is located in the Aitio Business Park in Ruskeasuo, along Mannerheimintie close to Helsinki city centre. Aitio Business Park is the first office building in Finland to have been granted BREEAM environmental certification with a rating of ‘Excellent’. The Vivaldi building was completed in 2013, and after a couple of years another office building, Verdi, was built next to it. Vivaldi is easily accessible by public transport, your own car or by bicycle. The building has its own car park with 200 parking spaces. In addition, those commuting by bicycle have their own parking area for bicycles, and dressing and shower rooms. Helsinki city centre is only 15 minutes from the office.

Prosjekt ref. 399
Plassering Mannerheimintie 113, 00280 Helsinki, Ruskeasuo

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