Izvēlne Izvēlne

Meklēt pēc atsauces numura

Ristipellontie 16

The property was built on Ristipellontie 16 in 1974. The total area of the site is 4,345 m² divided into office and retail space. The premises of the property offer a good opportunity for the use of companies of different sizes or even thanks to the entrance hall and elevator that look like the head office. The technical and structural condition of the property is good. Ristipellontie 16 is well located in Konala near Vihdintie. The property also has a fast and good connection to Ring Road I and III. The property is located in the middle of Konala's services.

Projekts ats. 362
Atrašanās vieta Ristipellontie 16, 00390 Helsinki, Konala

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