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Nimismiehenpelto 6

KOy Nimismiehenpelto 6 property has an excellent location in Lommila, Espoo, in the immediate vicinity of Turunväylä and Ring Road III. The property currently houses the Hong Kong department store, Wurth, Assa Abloy, and SPR's container store, among others. The Espoo landmark, which is familiar to many, the Ikea Espoo office, is located near this property. The building was completed in 1984. Public transport HSL buses, approx. 40 min by bus from the center of Helsinki, 10 min from the center of Espoo. The property has shared sauna and conference facilities in the basement of the property.

Projekto nuor. 373
Vieta Nimismiehenpelto 6, 02770 Espoo, Muurala

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