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Ristipellontie 17

Built in 1972, the multi-user site, Ristipellontie 17, is conveniently located close to Konala's services. Right next to the property is the Ristikko shopping center, which has comprehensive services such as lunch restaurants, cafes, K-Supermarket, laundry, pharmacy, etc. The property is located in the immediate vicinity of Vihdintie, and therefore it is easy to get to the property from Vihdintie. The nearest bus stops to the center of Helsinki are located on Vihdintie, and Malminkartano Train Station is about 1.3 kilometers away. The property currently has a car repair shop, construction equipment rental company and office users.

Projekto nuor. 363
Vieta Ristipellontie 17, 00390 Helsinki, Konala

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  2. Atsiųsime jums keletą sąrašų pavyzdžių
  3. Agentas susisieks su jumis ir papasakos daugiau apie projektą

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