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Ylä Malmin tori 6

A retail property with a prime location in Malmi, adjacent to both the Malmi market square and the busy Kirkonkyläntie road. The building has retail, storage and office space. Set up your business here, and sitting in the traffic jams of the centre of Helsinki are a thing of the past. The property is within a short walking distance from the Malmi railway station. In addition, stops of several bus lines are located in the immediate vicinity of the building. Parking is available outside the building and in the Malmi parking facility. There are several lunch restaurants nearby. The diverse services of the Malmin Nova shopping centre and the large grocery chains are at the employees' disposal in the property. The Malmin Yritystalo corporate facility is located within walking distance of the Malmin Nova shopping centre, which offers services for all daily needs. The property is owned by Sponda.

Projekto nuor. 360
Vieta Kirkonkyläntie 7, 00700 Helsinki, Malmi

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