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This office and retail property in Espoo offers efficient and easily convertible premises for a variety of needs. The Länsi-keskus retail and office property is centrally located in the immediate vicinity of Kultinmäki, Friisilä and Olari. The excellent transport connections via Länsiväylä are a clear competitive advantage. The efficient and convertible office spaces and services add to its appeal. The Iso Omena shopping centre as well as the diverse services of Matinkylä and Olari are within walking distance. The extensive services of the Iso Omena shopping centre are within walking distance. The services of the office building include lunch and catering restaurants and a reception in the lobby. The sauna facilities and conference rooms are at the disposal of the businesses leasing space in the property. The property is owned by Sponda.

Projekto nuor. 342
Vieta Pihatörmä 1, 02240 Espoo, Olari

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