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Aviapolis Harkko

Harkkokuja is located in the rapidly growing Aviapolis business area in Vantaa, in the vicinity of the Helsinki-Vantaa Airport. The property will be built in a visible and well connected location in the immediate vicinity of the Kehä III ring road and Tuusulantie. Harkkokuja is a complex of three office buildings with an area of 18,000m². The property will be constructed in three stages. The area of the office building, to be completed first, is 6,000m². The building features workstations for approximately 330 persons, depending on the spatial solution. The buildings are designed to be flexible and provide the tenants with premises in different sizes starting from 70m². The diverse services of the Tammisto shopping area, the Jumbo Shopping Centre and the Flamingo Leisure World with its hotels are located nearby. The diverse services of the Tammisto shopping area, the Jumbo Shopping Centre and the Flamingo Leisure World with its hotels are located nearby. The premises and services can be customised according to the tenant’s needs. The basic services include lobby services, restaurant, catering, customer extranet and meeting facilities. The property is owned by Sponda.

Projekto nuor. 335
Vieta Harkkokuja 2, 01510 Vantaa, Tammisto

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