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Korkeavuorenkatu 37

Korkeavuorenkatu 37 is located in the peaceful, premium Kaartinkaupunki area in the heart of Helsinki, near Esplanadi Park and Kasarmitori Square. The location has excellent public transport connections, and the services of the city centre are all within a short distance. Designed by architect Raoul Lehmann, this elegant building was completed in 1967 and converted into modern office space in 1999. Its diverse facilities include traditional and open-plan offices. The interior areas can be adapted to tenants’ specific needs. In addition, conference rooms and employee facilities are at the tenants' disposal in the building. Property is owned by Sponda.

Projekto nuor. 320
Vieta Korkeavuorenkatu 37, 00130 Helsinki, Kaartinkaupunki

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