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Iso Roobertinkatu 21-25

A versatile office and retail property located in a vibrant area in the heart of Helsinki, whose spacious premises perfectly meet the requirements of modern office work. The site includes two office buildings. The real estate company's older building, completed in 1965, was completely renovated in terms of interior and technology in 2009. The newer building was completed in 1984 and was renovated in 2010. This versatile office and retail property is located in the heart of Helsinki, along Iso Roobertinkatu pedestrian street. The lively area of Iso Roobertinkatu has a wide range of services, plenty of restaurants, shops and hotels. The property is owned by Sponda.

Projekto nuor. 296
Vieta Iso Roobertinkatu 21-25, 00120 Helsinki, Punavuori

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