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Krungthep Wellness Residence & Healthcare Center

Krungthep Wellness Residence & Healthcare Center is developing a new upper upscale wellness living brand for active seniors that goes beyond simply filling a market gap offering high occupancy due to the Wellness and medical facilities. 48 m2 one bedroom apartments starting at 6,640,000 THB and 64 m2 one bedroom apartments starting at 8,870,000 THB. We aim to set new industry standards, deliver holistically tailored living experiences, and build a brand that resonates with a growing, increasingly discerning demographic. Bangkok is a city that boasts a wide range of attractions, from rich cultural heritage to a lively local community, top-notch medical services and a variety of dining options. It has already become a favorite destination for both domestic and international tourists, and its charm continues to captivate visitors from all over the world. While the market provides a variety of accommodation options, including medical centers and wellness resorts, the introduction of an active senior living product together with the full-scale medical center would set the Krungthep Residence project apart, adding significant commercial value as a unique selling point. Sales:, +66618916108 / +358504200000

Projekto nuor. 1050
Vieta Naradhiwas road, 10210 Bangkok, Thung Wat Don

Jari Gardziella

English Finnish German Swedish
Nekilnojamojo turto agentas
Habita Pattaya
Suomijos nekilnojamojo turto kvalifikacija

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