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Oasis Castelo de Alvor

A stunning & modern private condominium in the heart of Alvor consisting of 40 apartments 10 type T1, 26 type T2 (with 1 being a duplex apartment) & 4 type T3. Located in 3 buildings each with 4 storeys. The area around each building is beautifully landscaped. The roof of 1 of the buildings has a fabulous deck with a swimming pool with artificial "beach" and a children's pool. There is a private underground carpark and many of the spaces have a private storage area. Some of the penthouse apartments have a private jacuzzi.

Projekto nuor. 1013
Vieta Rua Poeta Antonio Aleixo, 8500-013 Alvor
Joanne Mortimer

Joanne Mortimer

Pardavimo sekretorius
Habita Algarve
Mia Heinonen

Mia Heinonen

English Finnish Portuguese
Pardavimo direktorius
Habita Algarve

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