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Otsing viitenumbri järgi

Unioninkatu 24

The office and retail space of the 1920s house beauty is comfortable and well adaptable to the needs of the user. The Market Square and Esplanade Park are around the corner. An impressive façade and stairwell welcome guests. Opposite the value property is a high-class hotel. Nearby are not only the seafront, the Old Market Hall and restaurants suitable for even the most demanding tastes, but also Kasarmitor's large grocery store and other services. In addition, Tapahtumatalo Bank with its services can be found along the same street. The property is owned by Sponda.

Projekti tunnus 301
Asukoht Unioninkatu 24, 00130 Helsinki, Kaartinkaupunki

Kas soovite selle projekti kohta rohkem kuulda?

  1. Täida vorm
  2. Saadame teile mõned näiteobjektid
  3. Maakler võtab teiega ühendust, et projekti kohta rohkem rääkida.

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