Krunt, Norvatie 13 B
96910 Rovaniemi, Syväsenvaara
Your Dream Home in Saarenkylä? This plot offers a fantastic opportunity to build a spacious and comfortable home! With a building right of 185.8 m², there’s plenty of room for even a larger family. Saarenkylä is a popular and charming residential area, especially for families. Schools and services are nearby, making everyday life easy. Could this be the place for your new home? Contact us for more details!
Krundi info
Objekti ID number | 665074 |
Müügihind | 29 500 € |
Katastritunnus | 698-16-3041-8 |
Maamaks aastas | 212,69 € |
Krundi pindala | 929 m² |
Reljeef | Tasane |
Tee | Ja |
Maaomand | Oma |
Planeerimise olukord | Detailplaneering |
Ehitusõigus | 185.8 m² |
Maamaks | 212,69 € / kuu |
Ostumüügilepingu sõlmimise lisakulud
Ülekandetasu |
3 %
The buyer is responsible for paying the transfer tax at the time of the transaction. |
Registreerimiskulud |
172 € The buyer is responsible for the costs related to the registration of title (lien registration). |
Notar |
138 € The notary's fee (69€) is split equally between the buyer and the seller at the time of the transaction. |
Nii algab teie kinnisvara ostmine
- Täitke lühivorm ja lepime kokku kohtumise
- Meie esindaja võtab teiega viivitamatult ühendust ja lepib kokku kohtumise.
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