Kortermaja, Białka Tatrzanska
34-500 Zakopane
We have an add-on offered for you! We present investment apartments for sale that connect natural wood with large glazing. Offer details: Area: 40.20 m2 + terrace: 23 m2 Number of rooms: 2 floor: 1 - Location: The apartment is located on the first floor with a terrace, ideal for relaxation and a view of the mountain landscapes. - Legal status: Full ownership. - Infrastructure: Garages and outdoor parking spaces are available in the building. - VAT rate: 23%. - Construction completion date: Construction works are subject to applications in July 2025, and delivery took place in December 2025. -Apartment: On a trip that includes a relaxation zone, a weekend trip and a bicycle room. Area: The apartment is located close to: - Termy Bania - Ski resort "Kotelnica" - "Zebra" ski lift - Ski-Bus stops Price: PLN 842,140.00 Price: The price given is the net price. Direct sales, no additional commissions!
832 140 PLN (200 081 €)Toad
40.2 m²Peamised andmed
Objekti ID number | 664367 |
Uusehitis | Ja (Ehitusjärgus) |
Müügihind | 832 140 PLN (200 081 €) |
Toad | 2 |
Magamistoad | 1 |
Vannitoad | 1 |
Elamispind | 40.2 m² |
Üldpind | 63.2 m² |
Muude ruumide pindala | 23 m² |
Mõõdetud | Ei |
Pindala info põhineb | Omanikult saadud informatsioon |
Korrus | 1 |
Korruste arv | 3 |
Seisukord | Uus |
Parkimine | Parkla, Parkimiskoht hoovis, Majaalune parkla |
Vaba-aja elukoht | Ja |
Ruumid | Köök-elutuba (Lõuna) |
Vaated | Maakoha vaade |
Kirjeldus | Apartments Tatry |
Täiendav informatsioon | Other apartments available: - Apartment area: from 27.70 m² to 56.30 m² - Number of rooms: 1, 2 or 3 - Number of floors: 3 - Garage: underground |
Kinnistu ja ehitise andmed
Ehitusaasta | 2025 |
Esmane kasutuselevõtu aasta | 2025 |
Korruseid | 3 |
Lift | Ei |
Katuse liik | Viilkatus |
Ventilatsioon | Sundventilatsioon |
Energiamärgis | A |
Küte | Kaugküte, Elektriküte, Keskküte |
Ehitusmaterjalid | Puit, Tellis |
Katusematerjalid | Papp |
Üldkasutatavad ruumid | Saun |
Reljeef | Tasane |
Tee | Ja |
Maaomand | Üüri |
Planeerimise olukord | Detailplaneering |
Omavalitsuse tehnovõrk | Vesi, Elekter, Kaugküte |
Lennuväli |
100 km
, Sprzedaż Apartamentów w Białce Tatrzańskiej pobliżu Zakopane,Tatry |
Ostumüügilepingu sõlmimise lisakulud
Notar | 2 500 PLN (601 €) (Hinnanguline) |
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