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Otsing viitenumbri järgi

Villa , Moniuszki

51-610 Wrocław, Zalesie

Luxury Villa in Wroclaw

This Villa was designed and built in the beginning of the XX century by a German architect. A hundred years later it was renovated by a famous Polish designer, owner of Almi Decor. The house was featured in many magazines for its beauty in design as well as for the well kept history of the building. Around 2000-2015 it went through various renovations to keep the building and the insides in good shape. All of these and other information may be found in the appraisal report, that we possess. The house is divided into three floors and three separate apartments, each with three bedrooms, a living room, kitchen and bathroom. Additional there is as was in such buildings a souterrain, consisting of two bedrooms, kitchen and living area.

10 500 000 PLN (2 462 523 €)
468 m²

Peamised andmed

Objekti ID number 663380
Müügihind 10 500 000 PLN (2 462 523 €)
Toad 12
Magamistoad 7
Vannitoad 4
Elamispind 468 m²
Üldpind 560 m²
Muude ruumide pindala 92 m²
Eluruumide kirjeldus This Villa was designed and built in the beginning of the XX century by a German architect. A hundred years later it was renovated by a famous Polish designer, owner of Almi Decor. The house was featured in many magazines for its beauty in design as well as for the well kept history of the building. Around 2000-2015 it went through various renovations to keep the building and the insides in good shape. All of these and other information may be found in the appraisal report, that we possess. The house is divided into three floors and three separate apartments, each with three bedrooms, a living room, kitchen and bathroom. Additional there is as was in such buildings a souterrain, consisting of two bedrooms, kitchen and living area.
Teiste ruumide kirjeldus The villa has a sauna, jacuzzi, gym and additional space. Outside we have 1207 square meters of land, a well kept garden as well as a swimming pool.
Piirkonna kirjeldus This house is found in one of the most attractive locations in Wrocław, because of the various parks, rivers as well as being close to the city center.
Mõõdetud Ja
Pindala info põhineb Ehitusluba
Korrus 1
Korruste arv 4
Seisukord Hea
Vaba alates Vastavalt müügilepingule
Parkimine Parkla, Garaaž, Parkimine tänaval
Omadused Möbleeritud, Konditsioneer, Turvasüsteem, Kamin
Ruumid Saun (Põhi)
Bassein (Lõuna)
Vaated Tagahoov, Aed, Bassein, Jõgi, Park
Panipaigad Garderoob, Riietumistuba, Keldriboks
Telekommunikatsiooni ühendused TV , Internet
Põrandakatte materjal Puit
Seinakattematerjalid Puu, Tapeet
Vannitoa materjalid Plaat, Puitpaneel
Köögiseadmed Gaasipliit, Praeahi, Külmkapp, Kapid , Nõudepesumasin
Vannitoa sisustus Dušš, Vann, Pesumasin, Kraanikauss, WC-pott, Peegel

Kinnistu ja ehitise andmed

Ehituse algusaasta 1907
Ehitusaasta 1908
Esmane kasutuselevõtu aasta 1908
Korruseid 4
Lift Ei
Katuse liik Viilkatus
Ventilatsioon Loomulik ventilatsioon
Vundament Betoon
Energiamärgis Energiamärgis ei ole seadusega nõutav
Küte Kaugküte, Gaasiküte, Õhkküte
Ehitusmaterjalid Puit, Tellis, Betoon
Katusematerjalid Keraamiline tellis
Fassaadimaterjal Betoonelement
Remondid Katus 2015 (Lõpetatud)
Aknad 2015 (Lõpetatud)
Uksed 2015 (Lõpetatud)
Elekter 2015 (Lõpetatud)
Katastritunnus wr1k/00009076/6
Krundi pindala 1207 m²
Parkimiskohtade arv 2
Ehitiste arv 1
Reljeef Tasane
Tee Ja
Maaomand Oma
Planeerimise olukord Detailplaneering
Omavalitsuse tehnovõrk Vesi, Kanalisatsioon, Elekter, Gaas, Kaugküte


Ostukeskus 2 km  


Lennuväli 20 km  


Hooldus 6 000 zł / kuu (1 407,16 €)

Ostumüügilepingu sõlmimise lisakulud

Maksud 2 %

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  2. Meie esindaja võtab teiega viivitamatult ühendust ja lepib kokku kohtumise.

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