Villa , #2 Jah Drive, IMATT, Freetown
Experience the epitome of luxury living in this stunning new villa in Kagboro, Southern Province, Sierra Leone. This 3-storeyed villa boasts 7 spacious bedrooms, 21 bathrooms, and 12 rooms, offering ample space for comfort and convenience. With a total constructed area of 747 square meters, this property is perfect for those seeking a spacious and modern home. The villa features multi-level living spaces, electric heating, and roof heating, ensuring a warm and cozy atmosphere year-round. Enjoy breathtaking views of the garden, neighbourhood, city, and mountains, making it an ideal retreat for nature lovers. Located near Fourah Bay College, a renowned educational institution, and with easy access to public transportation options, including the Seacoach Express Water Taxi and Freetown International Airport - Lungi, this property offers the perfect blend of comfort, convenience, and accessibility.
850 000 $ (812 263 €)Toad
343.7 m²Peamised andmed
Objekti ID number | 661516 |
Uusehitis | Ja (Valmis sissekolimiseks) |
Müügihind | 850 000 $ (812 263 €) |
Toad | 12 |
Magamistoad | 7 |
Vannitoad | 21 |
Tualettruumid | 2 |
Vannitoad koos wc-ga | 7 |
Elamispind | 343.7 m² |
Üldpind | 747.8 m² |
Muude ruumide pindala | 404 m² |
Eluruumide kirjeldus | The property features multi-level living spaces designed for comfort and convenience. |
Teiste ruumide kirjeldus | The basement offers a bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, sitting room, and storage area. The ground floor includes three bedrooms, a kitchen, dining room, sitting room, and a stylish POP ceiling. The first floor has three bedrooms, four bathrooms, a kitchen, sitting room, study/library, and a wooden corridor. Each floor is self-contained with separate access points, and features a nice marble surface, a fully installed water system with tanks, and provision for a backup generator, making it ideal for multi-generational families or rental use. |
Piirkonna kirjeldus | This property is situated in a prime location at IMATT with a secure, well-fenced perimeter. This setup ensures both privacy and security while offering a welcoming, functional space for gatherings and everyday living. |
Mõõdetud | Ei |
Pindala info põhineb | Projekt |
Korrus | 2 |
Korruste arv | 2 |
Seisukord | Uus |
Vaba alates | Vastavalt müügilepingule |
Parkimine | Parkla, Parkla elektripistikuga , Garaaž, Majaalune parkla |
Sobib liikumispuuetega inimestele | Ja |
Vaba-aja elukoht | Ja |
Vaated | Aed, Ümbruskond, Linnamaastik, Mäed, Loodus |
Panipaigad | Kapp, Garderoob, Riietumistuba, Panipaik/panipaigad, Keldriboks |
Telekommunikatsiooni ühendused | Kaabel TV, Internet |
Põrandakatte materjal | Plaat, Marmor, Betoon |
Seinakattematerjalid | Kahhel, Betoon, Värvitud |
Vannitoa materjalid | Plaat, Marmor, Betoon |
Köögiseadmed | Kapid |
Vannitoa sisustus | Dušš, Kapp, Kraanikauss, WC-pott, Kuumavee boiler, Duššikabiin |
Majapidamistoa sisustus | Pesumasina ühendus, Kraanikauss |
Kinnistu ja ehitise andmed
Ehitusaasta | 2023 |
Esmane kasutuselevõtu aasta | 2023 |
Korruseid | 3 |
Lift | Ei |
Katuse liik | Kelpkatus |
Ventilatsioon | Loomulik ventilatsioon |
Vundament | Raudbetoon |
Energiamärgis | 1 , 2013 |
Küte | Elektriküte, Katuseküte |
Ehitusmaterjalid | Puit, Tellis, Betoon, Kivi |
Katusematerjalid | Plekk |
Fassaadimaterjal | Betoon, Keraamiline plaat, Krohv, Betoonelement, Klaas |
Üldkasutatavad ruumid | Ladu, Aula, Garaaž, Siseparkla |
Krundi pindala | 696.8 m² |
Parkimiskohtade arv | 6 |
Ehitiste arv | 1 |
Reljeef | Väike kallak |
Rannajoon | 45.7 m |
Tee | Ja |
Maaomand | Üüri |
Planeerimise olukord | Detailplaneering |
Ehitusõigus | 650.3 m² |
Omavalitsuse tehnovõrk | Elekter |
Ülikool |
3.2 km
, Fourah Bay College |
Praam |
9.7 km
, Seacoach Express Water Taxi |
Lennuväli |
29 km
, Freetown International Airport - Lungi |
Ostumüügilepingu sõlmimise lisakulud
Notar | 3 % (Hinnanguline) |
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