Eramaja, Korpilantie 18
57810 Savonlinna, Pihlajaniemi
Farm property with buildings and forest plots in Pihlajaniemi, Savonlinna. A unique, well-maintained farm center with approx. 25ha of mostly grown-up plantations, tree assessment done. In addition to the residential building, there is a stable, a shed, a ground cellar, a barn and a garden sauna. The log-frame residential building, connected to geothermal heat, has been extensively renovated over time to meet today's needs. A great approx. 60m² cabin with a large baking oven and a wood stove to produce additional heat. The farm is bordered on one side by Tolkkaanpond.
595 000 €Toad
250.6 m²Peamised andmed
Objekti ID number | 658546 |
Müügihind | 595 000 € |
Toad | 9 |
Magamistoad | 7 |
Vannitoad | 1 |
Tualettruumid | 2 |
Elamispind | 250.6 m² |
Üldpind | 272.6 m² |
Muude ruumide pindala | 22 m² |
Eluruumide kirjeldus | Downstairs: large approx. 60m² kitchen, living room, study, two bedrooms, hall, hallway, toilet, bathroom, sauna and utility room. Upstairs: Hall, five bedrooms, toilet, wardrobe. |
Teiste ruumide kirjeldus | Outdoor terrace, cold storage facilities. |
Piirkonna kirjeldus | The surface areas are based on the areas declared by the seller and written in the property book. |
Mõõdetud | Ei |
Pindala info põhineb | Omanikult saadud informatsioon |
Korrus | 1 |
Korruste arv | 2 |
Seisukord | Hea |
Vaba alates | No later than 2 months after making the transaction |
Parkimine | Parkimiskoht hoovis, Garaaž |
Omadused | Kolmekordsete klaasidega aknad, Kamin |
Ruumid |
Magamistuba Köök-elutuba Kabinet Esik Tualett Vannituba Saun Majapidamisruum Kuur |
Vaated | Oma aed, Maakoha vaade, Loodus |
Panipaigad | Riietumistuba, Väline ladu |
Telekommunikatsiooni ühendused | Antenn |
Põrandakatte materjal | Linoleum , Puit |
Seinakattematerjalid | Puu, Tapeet, Värvitud |
Vannitoa materjalid | Plaat |
Köögiseadmed | Praeahi, Keraamiline pliit, Külmkapp, Sügavkülmik, Kapid , Õhupuhasti, Nõudepesumasin, Eraldiseisev köögiahi, Mikrolaineahi, Pesumasinaühendus |
Vannitoa sisustus | Dušš, Põrandaküte |
Majapidamistoa sisustus | Pesumasina ühendus |
Asbestiekspertiis | Ehitis on valminud enne 1994 aastat ja asbestiekspertiisi ei ole sooritatud |
Kirjeldus | Estate 272,6m² 8h, living room kitchen |
Täiendav informatsioon | Outdoor sauna building 23.5m², Shed building 140m², Stable/Barn 240+100m², Basement approx. 40m². 1 km to the shore of pure lake Saimaa, where you can have a boat berth. |
Lingid |
Kinnistu ja ehitise andmed
Ehitusaasta | 1900 |
Esmane kasutuselevõtu aasta | 1900 |
Korruseid | 2 |
Lift | Ei |
Katuse liik | Mansardkatus |
Energiamärgis | D, 2018 |
Küte | Elektriküte, Keskküte, Maasoojus, Päikesepaneelid, Ahju- või kaminaküte, Radiaator, Põrandaküte |
Ehitusmaterjalid | Palk |
Katusematerjalid | Plekk |
Remondid |
Fasaad 2013 (Lõpetatud), The facade was spray-painted, the wood parts were painted, the window sills and door sills were renewed. Katus 2013 (Lõpetatud), Roof repair with frames and underlays, new tin roof, roof ladder, walkways and gutters. A new chimney built during the roof renovation. Muu 2010 (Lõpetatud), Kitchen renovation. Muu 2010 (Lõpetatud), Water damage in the bathroom, sauna section and the downstairs toilet were completely rebuilt incl. water pipes and drains. Elekter 2010 (Lõpetatud), New electrical center and all electrical wiring renewed. Muu 2008 (Lõpetatud), Renovation of the living spaces on the upper floor. Küte 2004 (Lõpetatud), Switched to geothermal heat. Basic improvement of the equipment in 2010. Juurdeehitus 1993 (Lõpetatud), 2 more bedrooms built upstairs. Muu 1980 (Lõpetatud), The building has been renovated. |
Katastritunnus | 740-538-13-39 |
Krundi pindala | 283890 m² |
Ehitiste arv | 6 |
Reljeef | Künklik |
Veekogu | Veekogu kasutamise õigus |
Rannajoon | 60 m |
Tee | Ja |
Maaomand | Oma |
Planeerimise olukord |
More information, City of Savonlinna, tel. 015 527 4000 |
Omavalitsuse tehnovõrk |
Elekter Electricity with ground cable |
Toidupood | 3.1 km |
Ostukeskus |
8.5 km
, Savonlinna city center services |
Kool | 2.8 km |
Buss | 0.2 km |
Maamaks |
199,86 € / aasta
Amount of property tax in 2023. |
Elekter |
500 € / kuu
Electricity consumption for the year 2023 was approx. 35,000 kwh. Estimate calculated at €0.17/kwh including electricity and transfer costs. |
Ostumüügilepingu sõlmimise lisakulud
Ülekandetasu | 3 % |
Notar |
138 € Notary fee, in addition to possible travel and copying costs. Buyer and seller pay in half. |
Registreerimiskulud | 172 € |
Lepingud | 25 € |
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