Kortermaja, urb.la estancia calle #3, apt.3
57000 Imbert
Stunning professionally designed three bedrooms, two-and-a-half-bathroom apartment, the property has two balconies, comes completely furnished, and includes all appliances, professional laundry equipment, colored lights in the kitchen, a modern kitchen, and bathrooms, this amazing property is located in a great community in Puerto Plata.
230 000 $ (213 059 €)Toad
220 m²Peamised andmed
Objekti ID number | 645150 |
Müügihind | 230 000 $ (213 059 €) |
Toad | 1 |
Magamistoad | 3 |
Vannitoad | 2 |
Tualettruumid | 3 |
Vannitoad koos wc-ga | 3 |
Elamispind | 220 m² |
Muude ruumide pindala | 220 m² |
Eluruumide kirjeldus | Stunning professionally designed three bedrooms, two-and-a-half-bathroom apartment, the property has two balconies, comes completely furnished, and includes all appliances, professional laundry equipment, colored lights in the kitchen, a modern kitchen, and bathrooms, this amazing property is located in a great community in Puerto Plata. |
Teiste ruumide kirjeldus | Stunning professionally designed three bedrooms, two-and-a-half-bathroom apartment, the property has two balconies, comes completely furnished, and includes all appliances, professional laundry equipment, colored lights in the kitchen, a modern kitchen, and bathrooms, this amazing property is located in a great community in Puerto Plata. |
Piirkonna kirjeldus | Stunning professionally designed three bedrooms, two-and-a-half-bathroom apartment, the property has two balconies, comes completely furnished, and includes all appliances, professional laundry equipment, colored lights in the kitchen, a modern kitchen, and bathrooms, this amazing property is located in a great community in Puerto Plata. |
Mõõdetud | Ei |
Pindala info põhineb | Välismõõdud |
Korrus | 1 |
Korruste arv | 1 |
Seisukord | Uus |
Vaba alates | Impressive Condo |
Parkimine | Parkla |
Omadused | Möbleeritud, Konditsioneer, Turvasüsteem |
Vaated | Mäed |
Telekommunikatsiooni ühendused | TV , Digi TV, Internet , Optiline kaabel |
Põrandakatte materjal | Betoon |
Köögiseadmed | Gaasipliit, Praeahi, Külmkapp, Nõudepesumasin, Mikrolaineahi, Pesumasin, Pesumasinaühendus |
Vannitoa sisustus | Dušš, Pesumasin, Koht pesumasinale |
Kirjeldus | Impressive Condo |
Täiendav informatsioon | Impressive Condo |
Kinnistu ja ehitise andmed
Ehitusaasta | 2019 |
Esmane kasutuselevõtu aasta | 2019 |
Korruseid | 1 |
Lift | Ei |
Energiamärgis | A |
Ehitusmaterjalid | Tellis, Betoon |
Reljeef | Tasane |
Tee | Ja |
Maaomand | Oma |
Planeerimise olukord | Detailplaneering |
Omavalitsuse tehnovõrk | Vesi |
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