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Otsing viitenumbri järgi

Kortermaja, Urb. Playa chiquita, 5700, Urb. Playa chiquita, 57000

57000 Sosúa

Alluring Beach Condos

These newly constructed Condo/Apartments are located in a beautiful gated community, just a few minutes' walk from the beach. They offer 3 Bedrooms and 2 Bathrooms a d 2 Bedrooms units with modern finishes, a pool, and a jacuzzi, elevator, and other amenities. This new construction complex offers privacy and is designed to provide the highest living standards, with a functional, modern design, located in the exclusive area of Sosua, just a few minutes from shopping centers, such as the contemporary Super Pola, restaurants, pharmacies, a modern medical center, schools, social clubs, and gyms.

225 000 $ (215 011 €)
100 m²

Peamised andmed

Objekti ID number 644349
Uusehitis Ja
Müügihind 225 000 $ (215 011 €)
Toad 3
Magamistoad 3
Vannitoad 2
Tualettruumid 2
Vannitoad koos wc-ga 2
Vannitoad ilma wc-ta 2
Elamispind 100 m²
Muude ruumide pindala 100 m²
Eluruumide kirjeldus These newly constructed Condo/Apartments are located in a beautiful gated community, just a few minutes walk from the beach. They offer 3 Bedrooms and 2 Bathrooms a d 2 Bedrooms units with modern finishes, a pool, and a jacuzzi, elevator, and other amenities. This new construction complex offers privacy and is designed to provide the highest standards of living, with a functional, modern design. Located in the exclusive area of Sosua, just a few minutes from shopping centers, such as the modern Super Pola, restaurants, pharmacies, a modern medical center, schools, social clubs, and gyms. This is a great opportunity to own a vacation home, providing all the services and facilities required to live or vacation in the growing coastal city of Sosua.
Teiste ruumide kirjeldus These newly constructed Condo/Apartments are located in a beautiful gated community, just a few minutes walk from the beach. They offer 3 Bedrooms and 2 Bathrooms a d 2 Bedrooms units with modern finishes, a pool, and a jacuzzi, elevator, and other amenities. This new construction complex offers privacy and is designed to provide the highest standards of living, with a functional, modern design. Located in the exclusive area of Sosua, just a few minutes from shopping centers, such as the modern Super Pola, restaurants, pharmacies, a modern medical center, schools, social clubs, and gyms. This is a great opportunity to own a vacation home, providing all the services and facilities required to live or vacation in the growing coastal city of Sosua.
Piirkonna kirjeldus These newly constructed Condo/Apartments are located in a beautiful gated community, just a few minutes walk from the beach. They offer 3 Bedrooms and 2 Bathrooms a d 2 Bedrooms units with modern finishes, a pool, and a jacuzzi, elevator, and other amenities. This new construction complex offers privacy and is designed to provide the highest standards of living, with a functional, modern design. Located in the exclusive area of Sosua, just a few minutes from shopping centers, such as the modern Super Pola, restaurants, pharmacies, a modern medical center, schools, social clubs, and gyms. This is a great opportunity to own a vacation home, providing all the services and facilities required to live or vacation in the growing coastal city of Sosua.
Mõõdetud Ei
Pindala info põhineb Põhikiri
Korrus 1
Korruste arv 1
Seisukord Uus
Vaba alates 27. juuli 2022
Alluring Beach Condos
Parkimine Majaalune parkla
Omadused Konditsioneer
Vaated Bassein
Panipaigad Riietumistuba
Telekommunikatsiooni ühendused TV , Digi TV, Internet
Põrandakatte materjal Betoon
Seinakattematerjalid Betoon
Vannitoa materjalid Betoon
Köögiseadmed Gaasipliit, Külmkapp, Külmkapp-sügavkülm, Mikrolaineahi, Pesumasin
Vannitoa sisustus Dušš, Mullivann
Majapidamistoa sisustus Pesumasin
Kirjeldus Alluring Beach Condos
Täiendav informatsioon Alluring Beach Condos

Kinnistu ja ehitise andmed

Ehitusaasta 2022
Esmane kasutuselevõtu aasta 2022
Korruseid 2
Lift Ei
Energiamärgis A
Ehitusmaterjalid Tellis, Betoon
Fassaadimaterjal Betoonelement
Üldkasutatavad ruumid Bassein, Katuseterrass
Reljeef Tasane
Tee Ja
Maaomand Oma
Planeerimise olukord Detailplaneering
Omavalitsuse tehnovõrk Vesi, Kanalisatsioon, Elekter


Rand 0 Kilometers from the beach
Ostukeskus 0 Kilometers from the Shopping Center
Restoran 0 Kilometers from Restaurant


Buss 0 Kilometers from Bus


Tasud puuduvad.

Ostumüügilepingu sõlmimise lisakulud

Ostukulud puuduvad.

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  1. Täitke lühivorm ja lepime kokku kohtumise
  2. Meie esindaja võtab teiega viivitamatult ühendust ja lepib kokku kohtumise.

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