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Tomt, Maardu, Saare

74114 Харьюмаа, Maardu

Prime Land for Sale in Maardu, Estonia!

Land Area: 2.8 hectares (28,253 m²). Purpose: Multifunctional development with the potential for industrial, commercial, office, and warehouse facilities. Location: Kroodi industrial area, situated between Muuga sadama tee and Põhjaranna tee. Convenient access to major transport routes and Muuga Port. Infrastructure: Option to divide the land into multiple plots with individual developments. Connection to local water supply and sewage systems available.


Oppføringsnummer 664242
Salgspris € 500 000 (kr 5 841 840)
Eiendomsnummer 44603:002:0142
Terreng Flatt
Vei Ja
Grunneierskap Selveid
Planleggingssituasjon Generell plan
Tilleggsinformasjon Electricity supply through a new transformer station. Local heating solutions (including gas connections). A rainwater drainage system with filtration is prepared. Parking: Spacious parking area with 93 spaces, including designated spots for cargo vehicles. Key Advantages: Flexible development opportunities, adhering to architectural and landscaping standards. Potential for industrial and warehouse facilities with minimal environmental impact. The land is cleared and ready for development.


Eiendomsskatt 50 € / måned (584,18 kr) (estimat)


Notar € 3 000 (kr 35 051) (Estimat)

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