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Fritidstomt, Otsotie 5

73310 Tahkovuori

Sieraniemi, Tahkovuori

Leisure building plot in a peaceful location at Tahko! Close to the golf course, snowmobile route, ski trail, and SkiBus stop. Paved road to the plot. Tahko services and ski slopes are only about 5 km away. Building rights according to the zoning plan: 100 m². Contact for more information: Ida Hyttinen, phone: +358 50 420 0196 |


Oppføringsnummer 664032
Salgspris € 10 000 (kr 117 726)
Eiendomsnummer 297-499-89-20
Tomteareal 550 m²
Terreng Svak helning
Vei Ja
Grunneierskap Selveid
Planleggingssituasjon Generell plan
General plan / Shore zoning plan. For more information: City of Kuopio, tel. +358 17 185174.
Byggerettigheter 100 m²
Holiday home area, where a single one-story holiday home can be built along with auxiliary buildings and a sauna. The number of separate buildings may not exceed three, and their total floor area must not exceed 100 m².
Veibeskrivelse Sieraniementie - Honkatie - Lomaniementie - Ahmatie - Otsotie


Golf 1.6 km  
Ski 5.7 km  
Matbutikk 5.6 km  
Restaurant 6 km  

Adkomst offentlig kommunikasjon

Buss 0.8 km  
Lufthavn 46 km  


Eiendomsskatt 109,4 € / år (1 287,92 kr)
Information for the year 2024.
Gate 32,06 € / år (377,43 kr) (estimat)
Honkatien road association.


Dokumentavgift 3 %
Andre kostnader € 172 (kr 2 025)
Title registration.
Andre kostnader € 138 (kr 1 625) (Estimat)
Deed of sale & travel and copy costs. The buyer and seller will split the costs equally.

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