Tomt, Niakhirate
Keur Ndiaye Lo, Ndiakhirate digue
You are an investor, this land is for you. It is a 2ha (20,000 m²) plot of land well located and overlooking the main road which goes directly to exit 10 of the motorway toll on the left and towards Bambilor on the right. The land paper: Titre Foncier. The sale is made before a Notary. If you are interested, you can contact us at +221778538245 (WhatsApp).
Oppføringsnummer | 662021 |
Salgspris | F CFA 1 400 000 000 (kr 24 679 200) |
Ledig fra | I henhold til kontrakt |
Tomteareal | 20000 m² |
Terreng | Flatt |
Vei | Ja |
Grunneierskap | Selveid |
Planleggingssituasjon | Generell plan |
Kommunal | Vann, Elektrisitet |
Beskrivelse | A plot of 2 ha (20,000 m²) - Land title - located on the road |
Adkomst offentlig kommunikasjon
Tog | 3 km |
Lufthavn | 20 km |
Notar | 10 % |
Kommisjon | 3 % |
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