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Villa, Bali Residence

21190 Rayong, Kram

Bali Residence

Bali Residence is a highly sought-after resort-style home with beautiful garden and pool areas. Nestled in the scenic Thai landscape, it showcases the authentic charm of the area and the warmth of the local community. The well-maintained and secure grounds create a peaceful and stress-free environment. Centrally located, it’s a great starting point for visiting nearby beaches, local markets, and town centers. The nearest beaches are just a 5-minute drive away. This house has undergone renovation of both the interiors and exteriors as well as the garden, completed in July 2024.

THB 2 250 000 (kr 723 863)
100 m²

Grunnleggende opplysninger

Oppføringsnummer 660908
Salgspris THB 2 250 000 (kr 723 863)
Rom 4
Soverom 2
Bad 1
Boareal 100 m²
Beskrivelse av oppholdsrom This house has undergone renovation of both the interiors and exteriors as well as the garden, completed in July 2024. Everything feels and looks new, eliminating any concerns about future repairs or renovations. At this price level, it’s hard to find a better and safer option. The house comes fully furnished and fitted, so you can move in and start enjoying your new home immediately.
Beskrivelse av andre rom Bali Residence is a highly sought-after resort-style home with beautiful garden and pool areas, plus a popular restaurant offering delicious Thai and Western dishes.
Områdebeskrivelse Nestled in the scenic Thai landscape, it showcases the authentic charm of the area and the warmth of the local community. The well-maintained and secure grounds create a peaceful and stress-free environment. Centrally located, it’s a great starting point for visiting nearby beaches, local markets, and town centers. The nearest beaches are just a 5-minute drive away.
Målinger verifisert Nei
Målegrunnlag for areal Informasjon gitt av eier
Etasje 1
Antall etasjer 1
Tilstand Tilstand
Parkering Biloppstillingsplass, Gateparkering
Ligger i første etasje Ja
Egnet for funksjonshemmede Ja
Aldersbolig Ja
Fritidsbolid Ja
Egenskaper Møblert, Klimaanlegg
Utsikt Forgård, Gårdsrom, Privat gårdsrom, Hage, Nabolag
Oppbevaring Walk-in closet, Skap
Telekommunikasjon TV, Internett via optisk fiber
Gulvbelegg Keramiske fliser
Overflatematerialer vegg Malt
Baderomsflater Keramiske fliser
Kjøkkenutstyr Elektrisk komfyr, Stekeovn, Kombiskap, Skap, Kjøkkenvifte, Mikrobølgeovn
Baderomsinnredning Dusj, Bidet, Skap, Servant, Dusjvegg, Toalettsete, Speil
Utstyr vaskerom Vaskemaskin
Beskrivelse Bali Residence is a highly sought-after resort-style home with beautiful garden and pool areas

Bygnings- og eiendomsopplysninger

Byggeår 2008
Innvielse 2008
Etasjer 1
Heis Nei
Taktype Saltak
Ventilasjon Naturlig ventilasjon
Fundament Pæler og betong
Energimerking A
Byggematerialer Teglstein, Betong
Takmaterialer Keramiske fliser
Fasadematerialer Betong, Glass
Fellesområder Svømmebasseng, Restaurant
Eiendomsnummer 4247
Vedlikehold 4649
Tomteareal 303 m²
Terreng Flatt
Strandlinje 6000 m
Vei Ja
Grunneierskap Selveid
Planleggingssituasjon Generell plan
Kommunal Vann, Kloakk, Elektrisitet


Helsesenter 2 km  
Strand 6 km  
Restaurant 0.1 km  

Adkomst offentlig kommunikasjon

Lufthavn 80 km , Rayong U Tapao Airport
Lufthavn 170 km , Bangkok Suvarnanbhumi Airport


Vedlikehold 4 649 ฿ / måned (1 495,66 kr)
Annet 17 300 ฿ / år (5 565,7 kr) (estimat)
Land lease fee


Tinglysningsgebyrer THB 50 000 (kr 16 086) (Estimat)

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