Tomt, Skroderi, Vērgales pagasts
3463 Ziemupe
Land right by the sea, an ideal place for a farmstead with a house and an outbuilding. Forestry, agriculture or crafts are allowed in the district planning. There are landscaped plots of land with electricity connected nearby. The land is located on the coast where you can enjoy beautiful views and peace. An ideal opportunity to create your own home and enjoy the silence of nature!
Oppføringsnummer | 658663 |
Salgspris | € 270 000 (kr 3 125 694) |
Ledig fra | 15. apr. 2024 |
Tomteareal | 42981 m² |
Terreng | Flatt |
Vannområde | Egen strandlinje |
Strandlinje | 150 m |
Vei | Ja |
Grunneierskap | Selveid |
Planleggingssituasjon | Generell plan |
Vedlikehold | 100 € / måned (1 157,66 kr) (estimat) |
Avgifter | 1,5 % |
Notar | € 200 (kr 2 315) (Estimat) |
Tinglysningsgebyrer | € 23 (kr 266) (Estimat) |
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