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Fritidstomt, Augstrozes, Kesterciems

3113 Kesterciems

Land by the sea

An excellent building plot by the Baltic Sea is available. Picturesque place - many trees, sea within walking distance. The plot is located between the highway and the sea. - Easy access. - According to the planning of the territory, both parts of the building correspond to the territory - low-rise residential building, up to 2-story house - The area allows to be divided into smaller plots (newly constructed land plots with a minimum area of 2400 m2). A total of 12 separate land units can be created.

Ligita Tetere

English Russian Latvian
Administrerende direktør
Habita Riga
Habita lisensiert eiendomsmegler


Oppføringsnummer 658206
Salgspris € 212 000 (kr 2 488 188)
Tomteareal 20400 m²
Terreng Flatt
Vannområde Bruksrett til strandlinje
Vei Ja
Grunneierskap Selveid
Planleggingssituasjon Generell plan
Byggerettigheter 10080 m²
Beskrivelse Land by the sea


Vedlikehold 200 € / år (2 347,35 kr)


Dokumentavgift 1,5 %
Notar € 200 (kr 2 347)
Dokumentavgift € 23 (kr 270)

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