Meny Meny

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Enebolig, Kalēji

3110 Seme

House with a large forest property near the sea

A scenic and spacious property for sale - only 7 km from the sea. The property includes private house - 320m2, forest - 30ha, fields - 2ha, orchard - 1.3ha and other areas, totaling 45ha. Two large ponds near the house.

Ligita Tetere

English Russian Latvian
Administrerende direktør
Habita Riga
Habita lisensiert eiendomsmegler
€ 548 000 (kr 6 449 069)
320 m²

Grunnleggende opplysninger

Oppføringsnummer 657677
Nybygg Ja (Innflyttingsklar)
Salgspris € 548 000 (kr 6 449 069)
Rom 7
Soverom 5
Bad 4
Boareal 320 m²
Beskrivelse av oppholdsrom Every hostess will appreciate the German-made kitchen on the first floor of the sunny private house. From the living area there is a great view of the ponds on the property, along which forest animals like to walk. Also, on the first floor there is a special cinema room, rooms for exercisers and relaxation, utility rooms, utilities and a heating room. On the second floor, there are 4 rooms, one of which has a transparent dining room, as well as two bathrooms, a spacious hall and an exit to a balcony with a view over the property. On the third floor, 2 rooms, one of which can be a bedroom for guests with an adjacent bathroom, the other an office. Ground source heat pump installed. Heated floors throughout the house.
Beskrivelse av andre rom A scenic and spacious property for sale - only 7 km from the sea. The property includes: private house - 320m2, forest - 30ha, fields - 2ha, orchard - 1.3ha and other areas, totaling 45ha. Two large ponds near the house.
Områdebeskrivelse This is a great place to live all year round, or to escape from the noise of the cities on holidays and enjoy the fresh air breathing with the forest. Come and feel the silence, hear how your heart beats.
Målinger verifisert Nei
Målegrunnlag for areal Byggeplan
Etasje 3
Antall etasjer 3
Tilstand Nytt
Ledig fra 27. feb. 2024
Parkering Parkering i gårdsrom
Egenskaper Sikkerhetssystem
Utsikt Hage, Privat gårdsrom, Hage, Land, Skog, Natur
Oppbevaring Kott, Klesskap, Walk-in closet, Oppbevaring kjeller
Gulvbelegg Parkett, Keramiske fliser, Vegg til vegg-teppe
Overflatematerialer vegg Malt
Baderomsflater Keramiske fliser

Bygnings- og eiendomsopplysninger

Byggeår 2023
Innvielse 2023
Etasjer 3
Heis Nei
Taktype Mansardtak
Energimerking Energisertifikat er ikke lovpålagt
Oppvarming Jordvarmepumpe
Eiendomsnummer 90780020006
Eiendomsskatt pr. år 300 €
3 530,51 kr
Tomteareal 450000 m²
Antall parkeringsplasser 4
Antall bygninger 1
Terreng Svak helning
Vannområde Egen strandlinje
Strandlinje 300 m
Vei Ja
Grunneierskap Selveid
Planleggingssituasjon Detaljplan
Byggerettigheter 320 m²
Kommunal Vann, Kloakk, Elektrisitet


Vedlikehold 240 € / måned (2 824,41 kr) (estimat)


Avgifter 1,5 %
Notar € 200 (kr 2 354) (Estimat)
Tinglysningsgebyrer € 23 (kr 271) (Estimat)

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