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Commercial Building & Resto Bar Los Corales, Bavaro, Punta Cana

23301 Bavaro, La Altagracia, Bavaro Punta Cana

Commercial premise with restaurant in Los Corales

Commercial property for sale in Los Corales. This is a rare opportunity to own a piece of prime real estate in the main tourist area of Bavaro-Punta Cana. With its excellent location and a long history, this property is perfect for anyone looking to invest in a thriving business or keep an existing tenant and enjoy a 8% return on investment. The property includes the building and all the necessary equipment, making it a turnkey opportunity for entrepreneurs. Great value considering the prime location and the potential for high returns on investment.

Grunnleggende opplysninger

Oppføringsnummer 656750
Salgspris USD 429 000 (kr 4 782 108)
Typer Kontor, Næringslokaler, Lager, Produksjonsanlegg, Arbeidsrom, Restaurant
Etasje 1
Etasjer med næringsarealer 1
Sum areal 196 m²
Områdebeskrivelse Commercial property for sale in Los Corales. This is a rare opportunity to own a piece of prime real estate in the main tourist area of Bavaro-Punta Cana. With its excellent location and a long history, this property is perfect for anyone looking to invest in a thriving business or a tenant and enjoy 8% return on your investment. The property includes the building and all the necessary equipment, making it a turnkey opportunity for entrepreneurs. Great value considering the prime location and the potential for high returns on investment.
Målene er verifisert Ja
Grunnlag for arealberegning Matrikkelbrev
Tilstand Tilstand
Ledig fra I henhold til kontrakt
Commercial premise with restaurant in Los Corales
Tilleggsinformasjon Option with tenant or start your business

Bygnings- og eiendomsopplysninger

Bygging igangsatt 2005
Byggeår 2007
Innvielse 2007
Etasjer 1
Heis Nei
Taktype Hip-tak
Ventilasjon Mekanisk ventilasjon
Fundament Betong
Energimerking Mangler energisertifikat
Byggematerialer Teglstein, Betong
Takmaterialer Metallplater, Betongfliser
Fasadematerialer Betong, Stein
Fellesområder Søppelskur
Tomteareal 103 m²
Terreng Flatt
Vei Ja
Grunneierskap Selveid
Planleggingssituasjon Generell plan
Kommunal Vann, Kloakk, Elektrisitet, Gass


Vedlikehold 485 $ / måned (5 406,35 kr)


Dokumentavgift 3 %
Notar 1 %

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