Fritidstomt, Hacienda Samana Bay
32000 Santa Bárbara de Samaná, Samaná
This land is next to the one of the most expensive resort in the area, the Hacienda Samana Bay, obverlooking the ocean, where people will see cruises passing and all the beautiful yatches and boats. This land can develop condo project or villas.
Oppføringsnummer | 649638 |
Salgspris | USD 559 510 (kr 6 338 859) |
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I henhold til kontrakt
Beautiful piece of land overloking Samana Bay |
Tomteareal | 7993 m² |
Terreng | Flatt |
Vei | Ja |
Grunneierskap | Selveid |
Planleggingssituasjon | Generell plan |
Kommunal | Vann, Kloakk, Elektrisitet, Gass |
Lenker |
Dokumentavgift | 3 % |
Notar | 1,5 % (Estimat) |
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