Meny Meny

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Tomt, Paegles

2101 Babite

Investment and development plot

Large land plot for investment and development. The land plot at this moment is also available in smaller plots as 12 ha and 14 ha. Sales price is 5.50 Euro per sq.m. Flat, undeveloped land for a village with private cottages and multi-store building opportunities. Agreed project for the development of the village with buildings, streets and infrastructure. Very good location for residential and commercial development. Area is fast growing and this type of land plots are hard to get. Promising plot of land with the opportunity to develop ambitious projects

Ligita Tetere

English Russian Latvian
Administrerende direktør
Habita Riga
Habita lisensiert eiendomsmegler


Oppføringsnummer 649629
Salgspris € 1 460 800 (kr 17 040 204)
Tomteareal 265600 m²
Terreng Flatt
Vei Ja
Grunneierskap Selveid
Planleggingssituasjon Generell plan

Adkomst offentlig kommunikasjon

Lufthavn 20 km  


Vedlikehold 1 000 € / måned (11 664,98 kr) (estimat)


Dokumentavgift 1,5 % (Estimat)
Notar € 200 (kr 2 333) (Estimat)

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