Fritidstomt, Majek bustop, Abijo off Lekki-Epe express road, Lagos.
105101 Abijo
This is a great land in a great neighborhood. Within this neighborhood is an amusement park, fenced yard with plenty of sunshine and the mature trees are perfect for kids to run around and have fun when you want them to. This property will also give you a good return on investment if you buy to build and sell or build to rent.
Oppføringsnummer | 646044 |
Salgspris | NGN 12 000 000 (kr 89 040) |
Terreng | Flatt |
Vei | Ja |
Grunneierskap | Leid |
Planleggingssituasjon | Detaljplan |
Kommunal | Vann, Kloakk, Elektrisitet |
Kjøpesenter | 1 km |
Matbutikk | 1 km |
Skole | 1 km |
Sykehus | 1 km |
Park | 1 km |
Adkomst offentlig kommunikasjon
Lufthavn | 32 km |
Buss | 1 km |
Ferge | 2 km |
Sykkelvei | 1 km |
Vedlikehold | 200 000 ₦ / år (1 484 kr) (estimat) |
Notar | 5 % |
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