Meny Meny

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Leilighetsbygg, estancia calle #3, apt.3

57000 Imbert

Impressive Condo

Stunning professionally designed three bedrooms, two-and-a-half-bathroom apartment, the property has two balconies, comes completely furnished, and includes all appliances, professional laundry equipment, colored lights in the kitchen, a modern kitchen, and bathrooms, this amazing property is located in a great community in Puerto Plata.

USD 230 000 (kr 2 579 258)
220 m²

Grunnleggende opplysninger

Oppføringsnummer 645150
Salgspris USD 230 000 (kr 2 579 258)
Rom 1
Soverom 3
Bad 2
Toaletter 3
Bad med toalett 3
Boareal 220 m²
Areal av andre rom 220 m²
Beskrivelse av oppholdsrom Stunning professionally designed three bedrooms, two-and-a-half-bathroom apartment, the property has two balconies, comes completely furnished, and includes all appliances, professional laundry equipment, colored lights in the kitchen, a modern kitchen, and bathrooms, this amazing property is located in a great community in Puerto Plata.
Beskrivelse av andre rom Stunning professionally designed three bedrooms, two-and-a-half-bathroom apartment, the property has two balconies, comes completely furnished, and includes all appliances, professional laundry equipment, colored lights in the kitchen, a modern kitchen, and bathrooms, this amazing property is located in a great community in Puerto Plata.
Områdebeskrivelse Stunning professionally designed three bedrooms, two-and-a-half-bathroom apartment, the property has two balconies, comes completely furnished, and includes all appliances, professional laundry equipment, colored lights in the kitchen, a modern kitchen, and bathrooms, this amazing property is located in a great community in Puerto Plata.
Målinger verifisert Nei
Målegrunnlag for areal Ytre mål
Etasje 1
Antall etasjer 1
Tilstand Nytt
Ledig fra Impressive Condo
Parkering Biloppstillingsplass
Egenskaper Møblert, Klimaanlegg, Sikkerhetssystem
Utsikt Fjell
Telekommunikasjon TV, Digital-TV, Internett, Internett via optisk fiber
Gulvbelegg Betong
Kjøkkenutstyr Gasskomfyr, Stekeovn, Kjøleskap, Oppvaskmaskin, Mikrobølgeovn, Vaskemaskin, Tilkobling for vaskemaskin
Baderomsinnredning Dusj, Vaskemaskin, Plass til vaskemaskin
Beskrivelse Impressive Condo
Tilleggsinformasjon Impressive Condo

Bygnings- og eiendomsopplysninger

Byggeår 2019
Innvielse 2019
Etasjer 1
Heis Nei
Energimerking A
Byggematerialer Teglstein, Betong
Terreng Flatt
Vei Ja
Grunneierskap Selveid
Planleggingssituasjon Detaljplan
Kommunal Vann


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